CubicdissectionExtras 536
Six Slabs by Brendan Perez (RPP)
Six Slabs is a unique packing puzzle reminiscent of the Hexahedroom design. Six uniform "slabs" must be packed into the box, which has three openings in a non-symmetrical pattern. This is complicated by two fixed blocks inside the box. With a level solution, Six Slabs is non-trivial to solve.Crafted from Curly Maple (box) and Wenge (pieces). Great care was taken during construction, with Wenge accents on the box corners and extremely precise dimensions. Extra attention was spent on t...
USD 81.00
7 bids
fivesinatras 77
Box Rebellion (Fuller / Coffin)
From the original CubicDissection listing:Box Rebellion was previously released as an IPP exchange puzzle in 2004 by Walt Hoppe. Similar to the wildly popular 4L design, Box Rebellion is a tricky multiple-step packing puzzle with a single solution. The four identical pieces must be packed into the box but are blocked by an odd-shaped acrylic slider over the top which only allows one side of the box to be accessible at a time. The solution includes multiple rotations.56 total copies available for...
USD 96.00
6 bids
This is my copy of Neptune. It's in perfect condition.This is what Kevin Sadler wrote about this puzzle (I had his permission to use) PuzzleMad“This puzzle really worried me when I took it out of the packaging! The box contains a 3x3x3 cavity but a very restrictive pair of slot entry/exit holes which looked like they would make it really tough to get the pieces oriented correctly and there were 6 pieces to be packed! I am terrible at packing puzzles and as soon as there are more than 3 pieces ...
USD 22.00
9 bids
DanielScher 115
Slide Swipe
Brian's description: Eight challenges in one puzzle! This should keep you busy for a while. I really enjoyed building and playing with these. I have not yet solved all 8 versions. Slide Swipe is a series of 8 tray packing puzzles, each using the same 5x5 tray with a 3x3 opening on top and various subsets of 12 2D pieces.This version of Slide Swipe does not have a storage tray, but does have a bag for the pieces.
USD 55.00
1 bid
DanielScher 115
Put the 8 pieces together,—4 in one direction, 4 in the other—to form a lattice as shown here:
USD 25.00
1 bid
Arsenal 41
Pin Block Case (Hajime Katsumoto)
This puzzle was designed by Hajime Katsumoto and made by Eric Fuller. It has been discountined.Below is the original description on CubicDissection website.---The artisan series is being discontinued; once this puzzle is sold out they will not be remade.Pin Block Case is a unique and very interesting packing puzzle. It's not terribly high level, nor super difficult, yet there's something satisfying about the solution that makes it a wonderful puzzle. We made a Signature series run that sold out ...
USD 100.00
1 bid
tynods 193
12 discs and 13 pins have to be stacked in a cylindric shape.Very well made vintage puzzle with thick acrylic disks and aluminum pins. the end of the auction the final shipping cost will be calculated.Besides PayPal, TransferWise payment solution is also an option.SEPA bank transfer is also accepted (EU countries) and free.
USD 85.00
21 bids
tynods 193
6✔ (Six Ticks)
Andreas Röver's exchange puzzle for IPP 34 in London.The puzzle has 3 mirror pairs of pieces. They have a mark on one side to distinguish the two sides.The tray has a coloured mark at the outer rim of the area where the pieces are supposed to be placed.The task is to put all 6 pieces into the tray with the same face up (either all marks on top, or all marks on the bottom) so that the outer marked rim in the tray is completely covered. There are 2 different solutions.It is relatively simple to f...
USD 51.00
19 bids
tynods 193
identica-L episode I
Arrange the four L-shaped pieces so that two identical 9-ominoes appear at the same time (one is brown and the other is white). Shapes may be rotated and/or reflected.After the end of the auction the final shipping cost will be calculated.Besides PayPal, TransferWise payment solution is also an option.SEPA bank transfer is also accepted (EU countries) and free.
USD 70.00
22 bids
tynods 193
Triple Play
Only 3 pieces (heptominoes) to pack in the tray... But not as easy as it seems !Another fun and tricky puzzle designed by Goh Pit Khiam.Jerry Loo's exchange puzzle at IPP 34After the end of the auction the final shipping cost will be calculated.Besides PayPal, TransferWise payment solution is also an option.SEPA bank transfer is also accepted (EU countries) and free.
USD 61.00
11 bids
tynods 193
ABC Puzzle - ’A’
Assemble the 4 pieces to form a capital A.Tsukuda, Japan.After the end of the auction the final shipping cost will be calculated.Besides PayPal, TransferWise payment solution is also an option.SEPA bank transfer is also accepted (EU countries) and free.
USD 150.00
22 bids
tynods 193
Arrange the pieces to make a shape of a bowler hat.Quite easy puzzle. Entry of the 2012 Puzzle Design Competition.After the end of the auction the final shipping cost will be calculated.Besides PayPal, TransferWise payment solution is also an option.SEPA bank transfer is also accepted (EU countries) and free.
USD 78.00
15 bids
CanMan 142
Tetra De Venta by Naoyuki Iwase (Osho)
I believe the translation is Tetra De Venta (or at least that's what google showed). Pack the pieces in to the cube and make the design on the top as seen in the photo of the instructions. Many challenges. A little about myself and the puzzles. I am a solver / collector. I try to collect various types of puzzles from various designers / makers. I rotate new ones in to the collection and like to pass along puzzles to others. All the puzzles I sell are solved at least once by me. My home is smoke...
USD 20.00
5 bids
CanMan 142
Minima 11 by Frederic Boucher
Minima 11 by Frederic Boucher. Pack the pieces into the box through the "windows". A little about myself and the puzzles. I am a solver / collector. I try to collect various types of puzzles from various designers / makers. I rotate new ones in to the collection and like to pass along puzzles to others. All the puzzles I sell are solved at least once by me. My home is smoke free and pet free. I keep the humidity where the puzzles are between 40-50% with the average being approximately 48%.Buyer...
USD 9.99
0 bids
fluorescein 86
Smiley Pack - Frederic Boucher
Smiley Pack from
Frederic BoucherThe goal is to pack the 6 pieces that spell “smiley” and the
Smiley face into the tray. The
instructions are to start with the Smiley face in the tray, and then pack the
letter pieces into the tray by sliding them through the window at the
bottom. Rotations are allowed, but
pieces can’t be partially hidden in the window area.This is another very fun Boucher puzzle, made by Osho. A different version is still available from
Puzzlemaster. This w...
USD 61.00
27 bids
Arsenal 41
One Piece Packing Puzzle (Simon Nightingale)
This is the original IPP 19 exchange puzzle, designed and made by Simon Nightingale.This won the very first Puzzlers' Award at the IPP Design Competition (2001).The goal is to put the cube completely into the box so that it stays there! Harder that it looks. Thanks for looking.
USD 800.00
36 bids
grssam 95
Slide Packing by Hajime Katsumoto
A classic Hajime Katsumoto. Just put all pieces inside and close the box. How hard it can be? An interesting design and an equally interesting solution.Produced and crafted by MINE.Buyer to pay shipping fees calculated after the auction. Can combine multiple winnings.
USD 295.00
25 bids
CanMan 142
Minima 1 by Fredric Boucher
Minima 1 by Fredric Boucher. Pack the pieces into he box. A little about myself and the puzzles. I am a solver / collector. I try to collect various types of puzzles from various designers / makers. I rotate new ones in to the collection and like to pass along puzzles to others. All the puzzles I sell are solved at least once by me. My home is smoke free and pet free. I keep the humidity where the puzzles are between 40-50% with the average being approximately 48%.Buyer will pay shipping and wi...
USD 61.00
23 bids
CanMan 142
Minima 12 by Fredric Boucher
Minima 12 by Fredric Boucher. Pack the pieces into the box.A little about myself and the puzzles. I am a solver / collector. I try to collect various types of puzzles from various designers / makers. I rotate new ones in to the collection and like to pass along puzzles to others. All the puzzles I sell are solved at least once by me. My home is smoke free and pet free. I keep the humidity where the puzzles are between 40-50% with the average being approximately 48%.Buyer will pay shipping and wi...
USD 61.00
22 bids
CanMan 142
Minima 9 by Fredric Boucher
Minima 9 by Fredric Boucher. Pack the pieces into he box. A little about myself and the puzzles. I am a solver / collector. I try to collect various types of puzzles from various designers / makers. I rotate new ones in to the collection and like to pass along puzzles to others. All the puzzles I sell are solved at least once by me. My home is smoke free and pet free. I keep the humidity where the puzzles are between 40-50% with the average being approximately 48%.Buyer will pay shipping and wi...
USD 61.00
21 bids