Pin Block Case
Pin Block Case is such a fun puzzle! One you may find yourself solving over and over when you discover its secrets. This is what Cubic Dissection says: "Pin Block Case is a unique and very interesting packing puzzle. It's not terribly high level, nor super difficult, yet there's something satisfying about the solution that makes it a wonderful puzzle. We made a Signature series run that sold out immediately and many were asking for more, so we decided to make a run of artisan quality puzzles as ...
USD 65.00
3 bids
dickerdixon 230
Oskar's Matchboxes
The classic matchbox puzzle by Oskar van Deventer from Eric's 2015 release. His comments are at Oskar's Matchboxes (2015) - Cubic Dissection – Cubicdissection
USD 141.00
11 bids
dickerdixon 230
Euklid For Kids 2nd. Revised Edition
Like Euklid For Kids but with a slight twist which you will have to discover for yourself. Pelikan's comments at Euklid For Kids 2nd Revised Edition – Pelikan Puzzles
USD 200.00
14 bids
dickerdixon 230
Shrinking Soma
I did not understand how this could possibly work at first and it took me a long time to find a solution. Pelikan's description is at Shrinking Soma – Pelikan Puzzles
USD 165.00
18 bids
dickerdixon 230
Tricky packing puzzle from Osanori Yamamoto. Pelikan's description is at Neptune – Pelikan Puzzles
USD 40.00
1 bid
DanielScher 115
Kevin Sadler wrote about it:“Not content with giving us one 3x3x3 cube in a box puzzle (Belt Cube 3), Osanori and Pelikan have released another, even more difficult version, rather descriptively named W-Windows. The name clearly comes from the fact that it has a nice cubic box with 2 windows in it (not the usual diagonally opposite holes) and two of the pieces have a definite W shape to them. With this puzzle, the pieces don’t keep falling out when you play with them which you will come to a...
USD 46.00
4 bids
DanielScher 115
Super Magnetic
Kevin Sadler wrote about it:“I have to say up front that I am totally addicted to Alexander's designs! There is something truly special about them. He has taken the type of puzzle designed by Osanori Yamamoto and added a whole new dimension of fun to them. This consists of an Acacia box which has a plus shaped opening on the top and a minus shaped opening on the opposite side and 4 rather interesting but fairly simple shapes (made from Wenge) to be placed inside such that the opening is comple...
USD 45.00
1 bid
DanielScher 115
Tulip 1
Kevin Sadler wrote about it:“My copy of Tulip 1 is made from a vibrant red Padauk and contrasting Wenge. The name seems to allude to the shape of the opening in the box. At first glance, it appears like a standard 2x2x2 shaped gap but after a moment of play with the puzzle, it rapidly becomes clear that the opening is severely restricted by a diagonal segment covering 2 of the interior corners. Osanori has used this method of constraint quite a lot over the last year or so and it really ups th...
USD 40.00
1 bid
HvdZon 146
Isaacs s Iris (Stan Isaacs)
“Isaacs’s Iris”
This is a puzzle by Stan Isaacs
Objective / Description
- Put the pieces together and form a disk
like the iris of an eye. Once you’ve done that, put it together again
alternating the colors.
- How many solutions are there for the
disk? How many are there with alternating colors?
- Each piece has a number or a letter on
it. What do those numbers represent?
Packaging: Zip lock bagPreliminary estimate of shipping
costs from...
USD 15.00
1 bid
HvdZon 146
NOB's Diabolical 3x3 (Exchange puzzle IPP 23)
“NOB’s Diabolical 3x3”
puzzle is a exchange puzzle by Nob Yoshigahara for the International Puzzle Party
23 held in Chicago, USA 2003
Objective / Description:
the 9 squares in a 3x3 array so that the 12 pentominoes are created on the
square intersections.
Cardboard boxPreliminary estimate of shipping
costs from the Netherlands.
from 0 - 10 kg approx $ 12.00
Europe 1: from
0 - 2 kg approx $ 2...
USD 25.00
1 bid
HvdZon 146
Punch Cards (Exchange Puzzle IPP 23)
“Punch Cards”
puzzle is a exchange puzzle by Tom Lensch for the International Puzzle Party 23
held in Chicago, USA 2003
Objective / Description:
the five ‘punch cards’ into the wooden box.
Wooden boxPreliminary estimate of shipping
costs from the Netherlands.
from 0 - 10 kg approx $ 12.00
Europe 1: from
0 - 2 kg approx $ 21.00 to Belgium, Denmark (excl. Faroe Islands and
Greenland), Germany,...
USD 115.00
6 bids
HvdZon 146
TriSquare Enigma (Exchange Puzzle IPP 23)
“TriSquare Enigma”
puzzle is a exchange puzzle by William Waite for the International Puzzle Party
23 held in Chicago, USA 2003
Objective / Description:
the 6 pieces together in the tray. Do not fill the tray.
Packaging: Zip lock bagPreliminary estimate of shipping
costs from the Netherlands.
from 0 - 10 kg approx $ 12.00
Europe 1: from
0 - 2 kg approx $ 21.00 to Belgium, Denmark (excl. Faroe Islands and
USD 35.00
1 bid
HvdZon 146
Hermaphroditic Blocks (Exchange Puzzle IPP 23)
“Hermaphroditic Blocks”
puzzle is a exchange puzzle by George Miller for the International Puzzle Party
23 held in Chicago, USA 2003
Objective / Description:
the 8 pieces into a cube.
Cardboard boxPreliminary estimate of shipping
costs from the Netherlands.
from 0 - 10 kg approx $ 12.00
Europe 1: from
0 - 2 kg approx $ 21.00 to Belgium, Denmark (excl. Faroe Islands and
Greenland), Germany, Fra...
USD 20.00
1 bid
HvdZon 146
Esponja de Binimelis (Exchange Puzzle IPP 23)
“Esponja de Binimelis (Binimelis Sponge)”
puzzle is a exchange puzzle by Albert Violant i Holz for the International Puzzle
Party 23 held in Chicago, USA 2003
Objective / Description:
the 20 pieces of the puzzle together joining pins and holes to form the first
iteration of the Menger sponge (i.e. a 3x3x3 cube with the center of each face
and the center of the cube empty), so that all the pins renain in the interior
of the structure.
USD 127.00
19 bids
HvdZon 146
Put the Snake in the Grass (Exchange puzzle IPP 29)
“Put the Snake in the Grass”
puzzle is a exchange puzzle by J. Dalgety for the International Puzzle Party 29
held in San Francisco, USA, August 2009
Challenge: Similar to the title of this
Packaging: Zip lock bagPreliminary estimate of shipping
costs from the Netherlands. Netherlands:
from 0 - 10 kg approx $ 12.00 Europe 1: from
0 - 2 kg approx $ 21.00 to Belgium, Denmark (excl. Faroe Islands and
Greenland), Germany, France, (incl....
USD 15.00
1 bid
HvdZon 146
LT-puzzle (Exchange puzzle IPP 22)
puzzle is a exchange puzzle by Brain Young for the International Puzzle Party 22
held in Antwerp, Belgium 2002
1: Use
all seven pieces to make the letter L
2: Use
all seven pieces to make the letter T
3: Use
all seven pieces to make the L and T same time
Packaging: Zip lock bagPreliminary estimate of shipping
costs from the Netherlands.
from 0 - 10 kg approx $ 12.00
Europe 1: from
USD 23.00
3 bids
HvdZon 146
Easter Island Dominoes
“Easter Island Dominoes” This
puzzle is a exchange puzzles by Pavel Curtis for the International Puzzle Party
27 held in Australië 2007 Four
challenges:1. Place all 12 pieces flat in the tray. (250 solutions)2. Like #1, but without a straight-line
crack all the way across or down the puzzle. (83 solutions)3. Like #1, but without any set of pieces
forming a perfect Square or rectangle. (6 solutions)4. Satisfying both constraints #2 and #3
at once. (3 solutions)
USD 35.00
1 bid
HvdZon 146
Yy Double Decker (Exchange puzzel IPP 27)
“Yy Double Decker”
puzzle is a exchange puzzles by Yoshiyuki Kotani for the International Puzzle Party
27 held in Gold Coast, Australië 2007
Five red pieces and six dark ones above.
to play: Make the first floor with red pieces and the second floor with the
dark ones, to make them identical.
Packaging: Cardboard boxPreliminary estimate of shipping
costs from the Netherlands.
from 0 - 10 kg approx $ 12.00
USD 28.00
1 bid
HvdZon 146
Trisquare Castle (Exchange Puzzle IPP 24)
“Trisquare Castle”
puzzle is a exchange puzzle by Norman Diamond for the International Puzzle Party
24 held in Tokyo, Japan 2004
Objective / Description
Remove the 10 pieces from the main area of the tray, scramble them, and then
put them back, Rotations and flips are allowed.
Omit one of those 10 pieces, use the remaining 9 pieces and the “castle” piece
from its upper separate spot, and put them in the main area of the tray.
Rotations and fl...
USD 35.00
1 bid
jfortune41 16
Pillar by Alexander Magyarics
From Wood Wonders - "I have been wanting to make this one ever since Alex sent me the design. He has just been producing so many cool designs lately, it took me a while to get around to it. Pillar is four pieces that must be inserted into the unique box and they fill the openings completely.I had acquired some very nice holly and wanted to set off the face of this box with it. The woods used for this box are especially nice. I really love the Pistachio wood. I managed to sang a few small pieces...
USD 65.00
17 bids