CubicdissectionExtras 536
Letterbox by Pit Khiam Goh (RPP)
Letter Box is a very tricky packing puzzle. The 1x2 unit opening restricts the nine identical pieces which fill the 3x3x3 box. With multiple rotations and more than 50 steps, discovering the solution will keep you occupied for some time. This is an excellent design well-suited for the solver seeking a true challenge.
We constructed Letter Box from some of our finest wood stock. The solid walnut box shows excellent striping and deep color. Each of the nine pieces was milled from solid stock ou...
USD 140.00
22 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Letterbox by Pit Khiam Goh Oddball #2
Letter Box is a very tricky packing puzzle. The 1x2 unit opening restricts the nine identical pieces which fill the 3x3x3 box. With multiple rotations and more than 50 steps, discovering the solution will keep you occupied for some time. This is an excellent design well-suited for the solver seeking a true challenge.
We constructed Letter Box from some of our finest wood stock. The solid walnut box shows excellent striping and deep color. Each of the nine pieces was milled from solid stock ou...
USD 143.00
36 bids
PikerB 21
Cactus Cube
A wonderful and challenging puzzle from Ryan Sinatra of Extrusion Solution. The puzzle as described by Ryan - "This is a hybrid genre puzzle. 3D packing elements combine with “SD Lite” elements to create a unique challenge. The goal is to pack the box with the 3D cube pieces and then “plant” your cactus. I believe both parts of this challenge are formidable. No shaking, smacking, spinning, force or external tools needed. The puzzle is “Solved” when all pieces are inside the box and ...
USD 46.00
9 bids
dickerdixon 230
3 challenges in one! Great stuff! Pelikan's description is at Hydrant – Pelikan Puzzles
USD 62.00
6 bids
dickerdixon 230
Little Bruce
Slightly confusing but very enjoyable assembly puzzle described at Little Bruce - Cubic Dissection – Cubicdissection
USD 230.00
18 bids
CanMan 142
The Zero by Jeff Basladynski
The Zero by Jeff Basladynski. Pack the pieces including the "Zero" into the box. The dimensions listed are for the box you pack the pieces into. The pieces sit above the top of the box when solved. A little about myself and the puzzles. I am a solver / collector. I try to collect various types of puzzles from various designers / makers. I rotate new ones in to the collection and like to pass along puzzles to others. All the puzzles I sell are solved at least once by me. My home is smoke free a...
USD 98.00
28 bids
CanMan 142
Gemini by Haym Hirsh
Another wonderful 2d restricted packing puzzle by Haym Hirsh. This one was made by Rex Rossano Perez. Pack the 5 diamonds in the diamond shaped tray.A little about myself and the puzzles. I am a solver / collector. I try to collect various types of puzzles from various designers / makers. I rotate new ones in to the collection and like to pass along puzzles to others. All the puzzles I sell are solved at least once by me. My home is smoke free and pet free. I keep the humidity where the puzzle...
USD 47.00
21 bids
CanMan 142
Sextuples by Haym Hirsh
Another wonderful 2d restricted packing puzzle by Haym Hirsh. This one was made by Woodwonders. Pack the 6 "L" pieces into the tray.A little about myself and the puzzles. I am a solver / collector. I try to collect various types of puzzles from various designers / makers. I rotate new ones in to the collection and like to pass along puzzles to others. All the puzzles I sell are solved at least once by me. My home is smoke free and pet free. I keep the humidity where the puzzles are between 40-50...
USD 38.00
15 bids
dickerdixon 230
A nice packing puzzle from Osanori Yamamoto. Pelikan's description is at Galette – Pelikan Puzzles
USD 69.00
9 bids
dickerdixon 230
Yin Yang
Classic Latussek packing puzzle. Pelikan's description at Yin Yang – Pelikan Puzzles
USD 85.00
14 bids
JStiles 22
Designed by Haym Hirsh, produced by Wood Wonders. Solved once, item is like-new and comes from a non-smoking, humidity controlled home. Buyer to pay shipping costs. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have. Description from Wood Wonders' website:When I saw the name for this, my mind immediately went to creating an old fashioned "Tea Box". I thought the simple box with it's relatively small obstructions and rather plain "T'" shaped pieces provide quite the challenge, but I...
USD 104.00
24 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Letterbox by Pit Khiam Goh Oddball #1
Letter Box is a very tricky packing puzzle. The 1x2 unit opening restricts the nine identical pieces which fill the 3x3x3 box. With multiple rotations and more than 50 steps, discovering the solution will keep you occupied for some time. This is an excellent design well-suited for the solver seeking a true challenge.
We constructed Letter Box from some of our finest wood stock. The solid walnut box shows excellent striping and deep color. Each of the nine pieces was milled from solid stock ou...
USD 141.00
36 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Tube It In by Wil Strijbos 2020 Edition (RPP)
Tube It In is a classic Assembly Puzzle by Wil Strijbos. The solution involves packing small rectangular pieces inside each other - an original and fun idea that remains unique. Wil's original design in metal used different wall thicknesses...our laborious redesign with uniform thickness is proprietary to Cubicdissection. Tube It In is moderately tricky, with many collectors reporting multiple solves just for the fun of it. Tube It In's construction is painstaking. Each piece is strengthened wit...
USD 150.00
16 bids
dickerdixon 230
A Latussek packing puzzle from Cubic Dissection. Eric's description is at Casino (Final Release) - Cubic Dissection – Cubicdissection
USD 296.00
13 bids
saul 13
Please DM for more photos or questions.
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These listings will be allowed to continue on condition that PayPal fees WILL NOT be collected for this listing. Should the Seller attempt to collect any such fees, please notify Marketplace admins. Further violation shall result in listing deletion and account suspens...
USD 47.00
3 bids
dickerdixon 230
Matchbox Play Six
A newer take on Okar's original by Olexandre Kapkan. More solutions but great fun to play with. Read Eric's comments at Matchbox Play Six - Cubic Dissection – Cubicdissection
USD 250.00
15 bids
DanielScher 115
Corner Cube
Brian's description: Andrew has briefly turned his attention to packing puzzles, and boy, was it a windfall for all puzzle enthusiasts. This is the corner cube from the ARCparent series. Simple pieces that have to be packed into a simple box, and boy this is a challenge. You must also fill the opening with the pieces.
USD 50.00
1 bid
DanielScher 115
Casino (Second Release)
Casino is a brilliant packing puzzle designed by the devious Dr. Volker Latussek. The premise is simple - pack the six casino chips into the box. With such a large opening it seems like an easy task, but in fairly short order the solver realizes that some creative thinking will be necessary as the last piece simply doesn't want to fit. With some analytical thinking and perhaps a bit of luck maybe you can find the right move to make space for that last one! No dexterity is necessary, the solution...
USD 285.00
11 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Fano Blocks by Brendan Perez (RPP)
The goal of Fano Blocks is to pack seven pairs of identical rectangular pieces flush into the box. These aren't just any pieces, however! They possess unique properties: any two distinct blocks share precisely one edge length in common and any set of two specific edge lengths are held by two identical blocks. The resulting number of edge-matching combinations creates a complicated problem. Finding even one of the eight possible solutions is an accomplishment. Named after the Fano plane (the smal...
USD 200.00
16 bids