DerekBosch 159
Suzuki - Stuffing II by Pelikan / Schweitzer
This puzzle is a 5 piece packing puzzle into the given box.4 of the 5 pieces are two cubes glued together in various ways.These 4 pieces easily fit in the box. But adding the 5th piece (asingle cube) proves to be quite difficult.This was Bernhard Schweitzer's exchange puzzle at IPP23 in Chicago.
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16 bids
Howdy 17
Stewart Coffin - 148. Fourteen-Piece Square by Stewart Coffin
This puzzle was made in mahogany as a handout for an Elderhoster puzzle workshop in Lenox, MA, April 1999. About 40 made. It was intended to have one essentially one solution, but unless very accurately made there tended to be multiple solutions. ***Please add 3.25% for Paypal Payment.
8 bids
ahaber 66
Oskar Van Deventer - PACK YOUR GEAR 2005
Mint Condition Pack your Gear Puzzle from Oskar Van Deventer. Nicely finished in Walnut with nine gears to fit. Copyrighted, signed and dated 2005. Approx. 4-1/2".
"Buyer to pay shipping; postage cost to be determined at end of auction depending on purchaser location"
USPS $5.50, FedEx $10.00 Insured US.
6 bids
jasond 3
Conway Packing Puzzle
Conway Packing Puzzle.
Buyer to pay shipping; postage cost to be determined at end of auction depending on purchaser location.
16 bids
jasond 3
Stewart Coffin - Pieces of Eight by Eric Fuller
packing puzzle designed to fit into a box <br>
Additional description:
Buyer to pay shipping; postage cost to be determined at end of auction depending on purchaser location.<br>
10 bids
RonZezima 39
Stewart Coffin - Few Tile by Stewart Coffin
Stewart Coffin wooden tray puzzle: "Few Tiles." Fit the four pieces into the tray. The tray opening is not square. Each of the pieces has two corners with 90° angles and each can be flipped over. A very difficult puzzle. Number 133 in Stewart's numbering system. Woods used are Baltic Birch and Mahogany.
5 bids
RonZezima 39
Thomas H. O'Beirne - The Melting Block by Jerry McFarland
The Melting Block wooden puzzle designed by Thomas H. O'Beirne and crafted by Jerry McFarland (2000). Fit the 9 pieces into the wooden box, so that the wood is flush at the top; creating a regular rectangular solid with no internal voids. Quite a remarkable dissection.
7 bids
ahaber 66
Corn Puzzle by Professor Brain's
Professor Brain's Corn Puzzle. Original box, not open.. You are given 14 pieces of corn cut into semi-circular pieces along with a jar. You have to arrange these pieces so that they perfectly fit into the jar.
I.Q. Rating
5 Minutes ..................................Brilliant
15 Minutes..................................Dimensional Thinker
30 Minutes..................................Above Average
Can't Do?...................Check Enclosed Solultion.
"Buyer to pay shipping; postage cost ...
1 bid
jasond 3
3-piece Pyramid by unknown
3-piece pyramid puzzle each block measuring 1" square.
This puzzle is discussed in Stewart Coffin's book The Puzzling World of Polyhedral Dissections, to which reference is made on John Rausch's website:
Buyer to pay shipping; postage cost to be determined at end of auction depending on purchaser location.
4 bids
ahaber 66
Jean Claude Constantin - DIAMOND EYES! Tricky!
Great Example of the craftsmanship of Jean-Claude Constantin. This puzzle features two layers of exotic woods with Aluminum posts. What makes this tricky is the posts are not fixed and can be moved! Very nice condition with original packaging, instructions, and solution. Manufactured by or for Channel Craft.
"Master Craftsman & Puzzle Designer brilliantly blends mediums of unique metals with the worlds most treasured hardwoods. This Elegant combination of Design & Dimension is sure ...
16 bids
DerekBosch 159
William Strijbos - Tube It In by John Devost
from"This beautiful puzzle was
originally designed by William Strijbos to be implemented with cut off
sections of metal tubing. John has recreated it in beautiful solid
bubinga. Incredibly, each and every piece of the puzzle (some quite
small) is constructed of miter cuts reinforced with solid rosewood
slipfeathers. This a beautiful puzzle that is also a lot of fun to solve!"
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28 bids
DerekBosch 159
Martin Watson - Watson's Wormhole by Steve Strickland
This puzzle was used as an Exchange Puzzle at the International Puzzle Party in Los Angeles in 2000.
has a single solution and is very difficult. It consists of 12
pieces, each formed by joining pairs of planar pentacubes to form
non-planar decacubes.
Buyer is responsible for paying 3% PayPal fee if paying via PayPal
28 bids
jasond 3
Cube in Cube by Constantin
7-piece frame packing puzzle.<br>
Buyer to pay shipping; postage cost to be determined at end of auction depending on purchaser location.<br>
8 bids
jasond 3
Shippers Dilemma Z by Creative Crafthouse
25-piece "N" pentomino packing puzzle. Only four known solutions.<br>
Buyer to pay shipping; postage cost to be determined at end of auction depending on purchaser location.<br>
5 bids
kennith1 12
Puzzle with NONAME. (i just dont know it) 4x4 Cube with metal bars
This puzzle, I got a long time ago, but was never brave enough to take apart. It is about 3" on a side, and consists ofwooden L pieces, and has metal bars that inhibit the position of the wooden blocks from being put together into the box. I was afraid if i took it apart, it would never get together again.. It is nicely made, and I think is quite difficult to get together again.So, good luck if you are braver and smarter than me..On Jan. 22, 2008 13:24:31, the following description has been adde...
11 bids
Puzzle-Fun-Forever 8
POSTAPUZL - A Tangram type puzzle
Original 1943 Color Linen Postcard "POSTAPUZL" by Harris Anderson.Cut card into 10 pieces. These 10 pieces will make each one of the 10 different shapes...Published by Postapres Box, 3150 Hollywood. Excellent condition.
11 bids
tomjolly 119
Cage with 2 Large Spheres - Sam Cornwell - Strickland
Cage with 2 Large Spheres, designed by Sam Cornwell and made by Steve
Strickland from Maple and Jatoba, IPP 23 exchange puzzle, about 2" in
height. Four pieces, 3 of the cage and 1 of the double-sphere piece in
the middle.
12 bids
Puzzle-Fun-Forever 8
PINCER PUZZLE - A Tangram type puzzle
Pincer Puzzle is a Tangram type puzzle.Seven aluminum pieces. Include a booklet with 100 figures (all symmetrical).Manufactured by M.G.T. Sheffield (c) 1989. Excellent condition.
12 bids
tomjolly 119
Macao - Arjeu CT33
Macao - designer unknown, made by Arjeu, number CT33, in original package with instructions.
2 bids