toml942 5
Unhappy Childhood
Unhappy Childhood is Stewart Coffin's design #41. Ten checkered pieces, each made of five cubic blocks joined different ways, pack into a 5x5x2 square box. This is one of the first puzzles that I made in the early 1990s.
29 bids
DerekBosch 159
IPP25 SUOMI cube
Kevin Holmes' exchange puzzle for IPP25 in Helsinki...Arrange the ten shapes that spell the letters/numbers IPP 25 SUOMIto form a 4x4x4 cube. Rated difficult, this puzzle has a unique solution...Buyer is responsible for shipping and paypal fees
29 bids
tomjolly 119
Double-Bar Cube
Double-Bar Cube, designed by Tom Jolly, manufactured by Bernhard Schweitzer, exchange puzzle for IPP 2008. Made from "3 hardwoods". Nice fit, no defects. 6 identical pieces, not as easy as it appears, but not terribly difficult either.
23 bids
tomjolly 119
Split Ribs Cube
Split Ribs Cube, designed by Marc Van Kreveld, manufactured by Bernhard Schweitzer. No defects but for the original roughness of the wood used. Eight pieces, not interlocking (it falls apart if you pick it up).
15 bids
tomjolly 119
Unknown Constantin puzzle, Bits and Pieces 07-7337
This is a 25 piece puzzle, I believe designed by Jon Constantin, each piece consisting of 4 wooden cubies with a brass rod sticking out of the side. All the pieces are identical, and pack into the cubic open-topped box. It's a Bits and Pieces copy of Constantin's puzzle, and comes with some poorly made instructions and the original box.
15 bids
BruceWhitehill 33
DSM Gist Info Puzzel, edge-matching puzzle
This edge-matching puzzle is a premium from a company called DSM Gist. From The Netherlands. Date unknown, but within the last decade or so. 7 hexagonal cardboard pieces, each with 6 images on them, form a 6-piece circle with the 7th piece in the middle; all the edges have to match.Size = approx. 3" x 3" Payment: Payment can be made by Paypal or by check in U.S. dollars, or by Paypal in euro, or by euro through direct transfer of funds into my German bank account at the equivalent of US $1 = 0,8...
5 bids
BruceWhitehill 33
Hi-Q Puzzle Enigma
Place the 12 pieces in the correct locations so the shape of the holes (circle, cross, and square) match. Size = approx. 4.5" x 6.5" Payment: Payment can be made by Paypal or by check in U.S. dollars, or by Paypal in euro, or by euro through direct transfer of funds into my German bank account at the equivalent of US $1 = 0,80 euro.Important Shipping Note: I will be preparing for and attending the Essen Spieletage (German game fair) immediately after the auction ends. I can bring your items won ...
37 bids
pucu 125
Eight L Plus
You have to put the black piece also inside the tray. Was my exchange puzzle in Prague.
3 bids
pucu 125
Das verflixte Pyramidenspiel
There are 8 square cards and 1 start and 1 goal cards. The 8 square cards have pictures on the front and on the back side.You have to arrange the cards in such way that there is a way from start to goal. If you have make your path it should be also possible to pick up the 4 keys which are on the path. The puzzle is from 1995
7 bids
pucu 125
Four Colour Block
Was the exchange puzzle by Theo Geerinck at the IPP 25 in Helsinki
1 bid
DerekBosch 159
Belle L-Burr
Very challenging burr... 40 moves to remove the first piece...Buyer is responsible for shipping and paypal fees
17 bids
DerekBosch 159
Patio Block
here's Stewart Coffin's challenge of this puzzle:An interesting puzzle is suggested by joining 1 x 2 x 2 blocks in pairs all
possible ways. The resulting 10 pieces are shown in Fig. 60. They can be
assembled into a 4 x 4 x 5 solid, and there are said to be 25 solutions. Now
eliminate the two pieces that are themselves rectangular, and see if the
remaining eight (shaded) will assemble into a 4 x 4 x 4 cube. After you have
become convinced that they will not, find a set that will by duplicati...
1 bid
DerekBosch 159
Crown Of Thorns
object of the puzzle is to disassemble the thirty pieces and reassemble
into this attractive collection of stellated rhombic dodecahedrons.
This puzzle was conceived whilst
making the Diagonal Twins exchange puzzle for IPP25. Brian just kept
extending pieces to see where it would lead.tThere are 288 saw cuts in this puzzle. Each piece is cut from a single piece of wood. No glue is used in the puzzle. The
very fine tolerances of each saw cut are the secret to it fitting
together ...
3 bids
M.McCallum 10
Mark McCallum - The Trouble With U by Mark McCallum
This was my IPP design competition entry in 2006. It was my tribute to Nob Yoshigahara. I so love his Unhappy Adolescence puzzle based on the P pentomino+ 2x1x1 block, that I thought I would try a U pentomino +2x1x1 block and see what I could come up with. What I found was that 9 pieces plus a single cube would make a nice 4x4x4 puzzle. The puzzle consists of 4 pieces plus their mirror images and a self reflective piece plus the lone cube. Several problems can be dreamed up and attempted. T...
27 bids
M.McCallum 10
Stewart Coffin - Patio Block by Mark McCallum
Stewart Coffin's Patio Block puzzle made of various hardwoods. This puzzle has 8 pieces that assemble to form a cube. Each piece is made up of two 2x2x1 square blocks joined together. There are 7 unique pieces. This puzzle has a lacquer finish applied. Taken from my personal collection. No box is provided with this set.Stewart made only a four of this puzzle in 1988, but it was later made by Brian Young for an IPP22 exchange puzzle.If buyer chooses to pay by PayPal, the PayPal fees will be a...
9 bids
pucu 125
- - Twenty Five by -
All the 25 circle pieces has to put back in the circle tray. The circle pieces has different sizes and the puzzle is very very difficult to solve.
6 bids
jasond 3
Conway - Conway Packing Puzzle by unknown
This is a revised version of the Hoffman's Packing Puzzle: 3/5 the size of the original...<BR>
The problem addressed by the puzzle: "Fit twenty-seven blocks, measuring A x B x C into a cubic box with sides of A + B + C. A, B and C must be different and the smallest dimension must be larger than (A + B + C) / 4." <br>
Buyer to pay shipping; postage cost to be determined at end of auction depending on purchaser location.On Jun. 12, 2008 16:15:28, the followi...
2 bids
ahaber 66
Mike Smith - PENTERA Limited
This has been one of my favorites for a long time. Mike Smith in 1994 Made a limited Edition of 235. this is #133.
The Pentera Limited is a Five Puzzle Magnetic ball! When I originally received this all the discs were levitating in their slots. They were Hovering! So Cool! Then you can take them out and assemble a ball, as well as a ball in the frame! I only know of 3 of the 5 puzzles. Perhaps a Cubic Fan will share with me the other two. (I'll still have time to try!).
This is in mi...
11 bids
DerekBosch 159
Marc van Kreveld - Triangle Trapezoid Trial by Pelikan
from"a packing puzzle with different triangle prisms glued on 8 rods to form a three-layered packing cube. you will need patience due to the many fitting possibilities of the rods and the prisms."
Buyer is responsible for paying 3% PayPal fee if paying via PayPal
20 bids
jasond 3
Nob Yoshigahara - Tekozuru Z-1 by Hikimi
7-piece packing puzzle designed to fit into a sake box <br>
Buyer to pay shipping; postage cost to be determined at end of auction depending on purchaser location.<br>
9 bids