tomjolly 119
Try Again - IPP29 Exchange
Try Again - designed and made by Greg Dye for the IPP29 Exchange. This involves taking a tray of pieces, each made from two triangles glued together and died with different colors, and making a number of patterns (8 puzzles) with the pieces. Not easy, and an interesting exercise in logic.
7 bids
tomjolly 119
Puzzle for Daughter - designer MINE - IPP29 Exchange
This is a very nice little "fit the pieces in the tray" puzzle, called "Puzzle for Daughter" designed by MINE for the IPP29 puzzle exchange. There are 3 challenges; fit all 5 pieces in the tray (includes the two circles), or fit the three characters in the tray so there is only space for one disk, or fit the characters in the oval tray so there is no room for any disks.
13 bids
tomjolly 119
Shaka-shaka IPP29 Exchange puzzle
Shaka-shaka is almost a cross between the Minefield game and a geometric-shape making puzzle. The numbers on the board indicate how many pieces are next to that space, and in the process of putting the pieces down, the resulting light-yellow areas are supposed to make squares or rectangles. The set has 8 different puzzles in it, and it says the pieces are from Mosaica by Orb Factory. They're somewhat like foam board, but much denser and sturdy.
3 bids
tomjolly 119
Snake in the Grass - James Dalgety
This interesting puzzle features 9 tiles of "grass" and 9 snake segments which are to be arranged in a continuous snake-like line without actually touching any of the blades of grass on the nine tiles. This, of course, means finding the right configuration of the snake so that it will fit neatly on the 9 tiles, and arranging the 9 tiles so the blades of grass do not interfere with the snake's body. It's not easy.
5 bids
tomjolly 119
Animal Pentominos
This set of animal pentominoes came from the Belgium school-group at KSO Glorieux Ronse that does the contests all the time. It's cut by a jigsaw, but not a jigsaw-cut puzzle! It's rather large; 10x16 and about 3/4" thick, and nearly 2 lbs, so very expensive to ship overseas! The wood is 5-ply.
9 bids
tomjolly 119
TriGears - IPP29 exchange puzzle
TriGears. Three gears that can be snapped out of their frames, so that the teeth can be interfaced in different arrangements. This is required because the teeth are of varying thicknesses. The goal is to "engage the three gears so that they spin freely without jamming". It's quite difficult, since all three gears interact simultaneously; you can't just try to solve 2 of them then add the third. Designed by Bram Cohen and Oskar van Deventer.
15 bids
tomjolly 119
Black or White - IPP29 Exchange Puzzle
Black or White, designed by Vesa Timonen and Tomas Linden. This took me an amazingly long time to solve, considering that it's relatively simple (but non-intuitive). The instructions, though simple, can be a little confusing; I think the distinction between "square" and "rectangle" and "square with internal voids" is very ambiguous. One of the included puzzles is to "make a 8/9 sized square on the table", so does this mean an 8x9 rectangle with or without voids, or a square that's a fractional 8...
5 bids
ShootingStar 11
This is the Star packing puzzle, designed by S. Grabarchuk and crafted by William Strijbos. There are 16 pieces plus the tray. Paper solution diagram included.
1 bid
jasond 3
The Morph
from the Puzzlewood description: "This wonderfull packing problem was found in the collection of Peter Hajek (London) and it reminds of the idea of the 6 block puzzle designed by Thomas O`Beirne; you have to take the 4 different pieces of the given cube and pack it into two different rectangular forms; difficulty starting with the single 4 pieces it will be very difficult to find the rectangular solids; a nice trick exists to find it only with one movement."
1 bid
jasond 3
Split Box
from the Puzzlewood description: "this unusual packing puzzle consists of four solid pentominos, one solid tetromino and a tricky box; the two halves of the box can be joined together two different ways to form either a 2x3x4 box or a 4x6 tray; the two halves can be turned over to form a 3x8 tray; the box has a cover to hold the two halves together in the 2x3x4; difficulty: 2x3x4 box with one solution; 4x6 tray with two solutions; 3x8 tray with one solution."
1 bid
jchiou 51
The Equation - Sacred Myths and Legends #2
This is the second in the "Sacred Myths and Legends" puzzle series ( It's a difficult tray-filling puzzle. In addition, it also has hints to an associated online password. The puzzle includes packaging but no solution. I have not been able to solve the tray-filling or password portions, nor have I been able to find it online.
5 bids
DerekBosch 159
Leftover Block Puzzle
This clever puzzle fits 4 pieces comfortably in the given box, with one piece left over...How can one fit the single leftover block?The pieces also form other shapes too... A very nice design from Stewart Coffin, well reproduced byBits & Piecesbuyer is responsible for all shipping expenses and money transfer fees (including paypal) if applicable
15 bids
DerekBosch 159
The Third Degree
This is a 3-piece version of Bill Cutler's award winning Blockhead puzzle.buyer is responsible for all shipping expenses and money transfer fees (including paypal) if applicable
15 bids
DerekBosch 159
Packing Quarters puzzle
it's easy to place 8 wedge shaped pieces in the tray, but can you find room for the ninth?buyer is responsible for all shipping expenses and money transfer fees (including paypal) if applicable
9 bids
DerekBosch 159
835 combinations puzzle
this is an unusual polyform puzzle. not sure of its origins - pack all of the pieces in the tray providedbuyer is responsible for all shipping expenses and money transfer fees (including paypal) if applicable
7 bids
DerekBosch 159
Quintillions + Super Quintillions pentacube puzzles
this is a set of both Kadon Enterprises Quintillions and Super Quintillions polycube puzzles...The Quintillions is a very nice set of cubic pentonimoes (those that would lie in a plane), while theSuper Quintillions are those cubic pentacubes that don't lie in the plane...buyer is responsible for all shipping expenses and money transfer fees (including paypal) if applicable
1 bid
DerekBosch 159
octiamonds + hexiamonds
a beautiful laser-cut set of all the octiamonds and hexiamonds, cut by Kadon Enterprises with a nicetray (and lid).buyer is responsible for all shipping expenses and money transfer fees (including paypal) if applicable
1 bid
DerekBosch 159
rhombic magnetic puzzle
8 piece checkerboard rhombic block puzzle...each piece has 3 magnets to influence where they go...not terribly difficultbuyer is responsible for all shipping expenses and money transfer fees (including paypal) if applicable
1 bid
DerekBosch 159
Eight Houses puzzle
Another nice design from Vaclav Obsivac8 unique "house" shaped pieces assemble to make a exchange puzzle from IPP26, I believe...buyer is responsible for all shipping expenses and money transfer fees (including paypal) if applicable
5 bids