tomjolly 119
Brick Puzzle - Vladimir Krasnoukhov - Philos
Brick Puzzle, designed by Vladimir Krasnoukhov, made by Philos. The puzzle is in excellent condition, but the paper box for it has a tear on the flap.Weighs 14 ounces, plus about 4 ounces for packing. You can check shipping prices at, shipped from California zip code 93454.
1 bid
tomjolly 119
6+Kumiki - Naoyuki Iwase
6 + Kumiki designed (I think) by Osho. A fairly simple assembly, level 1. Weighs 3 ounces, plus about 3 ounces for packing. You can check shipping prices at, shipped from California zip code 93454.
21 bids
tomjolly 119
Cross puzzle, from Puzzland Hikimi
Cross puzzle, Puzzland Hikimi, presumably an old design? Weighs 3 ounces, plus about 3 ounces for packing. You can check shipping prices at, shipped from California zip code 93454.
1 bid
tomjolly 119
Pochi -IPP29 exchange, design Lixy
Pochi, an IPP29 exchange puzzle designed by Lixy, collaborator Hiroshi Yamamoto, manufactured by Woodpecker/Hikimi, with 10 pieces and "2 problem sheets" many problems. Each piece is 3 or 4 units, with sections of circles on each that must be assembled into a variety of shapes while maintaining the unity of the circles on top. The craftsmanship on the puzzle is very nice. Weighs 10 ounces, plus about 4 ounces for packing. You can check shipping prices at, shipped from California zip...
17 bids
tomjolly 119
The Nine of Swords - Reiss/Gametime 1971
The Nine of Swords; the object is to slide all 9 notched swords into the cube, but of course they interfere with one another. Made by Reiss Associates / Gametime, copyright 1971. The only damage to note is that the paper box top is split along one seam, and is generally scuffed and dinged. Weighs 1 lb 10 ounces, plus about 16 ounces for packing. You can check shipping prices at, shipped from California zip code 93454.
3 bids
Account Deleted
Half Hour Puzzle - Goncalo Alves
This is a single oddball copy of Coffins famous Half hour puzzle in solid Goncalo Alves. This is a very heavy, dense wood. Very high precision copy of this excellent puzzle.This item is in new condition and is pulled from the cubicdissection archives.Shipping is $8 in the US for Priority Mail. International shipping is $18 for first class and $35 for Priority Mail.Paypal payment add 4% for fees.
15 bids
Account Deleted
RELEASED:2.13.2013PRODUCED:40 CopiesDESIGNER:Yavuz DemirhanCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut / RosewoodCOMMENTS:When I saw this design (along with "Core") I knew immediately I wanted to make it. I like packing puzzles, but the old "put the pieces in the box" can get old. Begonia definitely has a twist to it - the "box" has three axes! The most interesting part of the solution is figuring out how to deal with the corners where the plane switches. Tricky but not insanely difficult, and a lot of...
43 bids
Account Deleted
IPP29 Exchange GiftShipping is $8 in the US for Priority Mail. International shipping is $18 for first class and $35 for Priority Mail.Paypal payment add 4% for fees.
17 bids
Account Deleted
Crossroad Puzzle
IPP29 Exchange GiftShipping is $8 in the US for Priority Mail. International shipping is $18 for first class and $35 for Priority Mail.Paypal payment add 4% for fees.
27 bids
Account Deleted
Try Again
IPP29 Exchange GiftShipping is $8 in the US for Priority Mail. International shipping is $18 for first class and $35 for Priority Mail.Paypal payment add 4% for fees.
21 bids
JerryMcFarland 26
Diabolical 3x3
A puzzle by Nob Yoshigahara, 2003, where 9 single sided square pieces pack into a 3x3 square to form a pattern of all 12 Pentominos. Instructions and solution sheet included. There is no mention who made it but it is high quality.
3 bids
tomjolly 119
Sun, designed by Bergmans, made by Fuller
Sun puzzle, designed by Jos Bergmans, made by Eric Fuller. Puzzle weighs 4 oz. Object is to put the two pieces together such that the spot is created.
17 bids
GeorgeBell 63
The Cube
"The object of the puzzle is to make a cube out of the given pieces. Not your usual 3x3 cube; a very entertaining puzzle."Solution included. Packing the pieces back in the box is also tricky.I wanted to give others the opportunity to try this fun puzzle.
11 bids
GeorgeBell 63
Tea For Two
A nice packing puzzle with four identical T shaped pieces and a box. It seems impossible at first, but it has an elegant solution.This puzzle was in the 2013 IPP design competition. No solution is provided, but you can download the solution from the design competition web site if you need it.
19 bids
dickerdixon 230
Pieces Of Eight Deux
Tom Lensch's take on Stewart Coffin's Pieces Of Eight. Canarywood with blackwood spacers, this is a clever take on the original with the addition of the spacers making for (I believe) a unique solution.
19 bids
j7727 14
Four to Square
Designer: Jacques Haubrich
Goal: Fit the four pieces flat within the tray.2011 IPP Design Competition Entry
11 bids
mimetag 111
Creative Crafthouse - Devil's cube
From CC:This is a fiendish puzzle with 8 pieces with angles
and peaks that will test your mind and patience. Mike Czerwinski sent me a brilliant
analysis of the mental though process required to solve it, which will be
supplied with your puzzle. When this cube is built, it fits nicely in the
angled presentation base. This one is new in its original foil.Ships worldwide from The Netherlands.Buyer pays shipping and fees.
7 bids
mimetag 111
Popular Playthings - Kayak Cove
Fun put together puzzle: Kayak Cove.Can you put all the kayaks in the right place?Fun puzzle with 24 challenges!This puzzle is nearly new in its original box (German version).Ships worldwide from The Netherlands.Buyer pays shipping and fees.
1 bid
mimetag 111
Popular Playthings - Bumper Cars
Fun put together puzzle: Bumper cars.Can you put all the Bumper Cars in the right place?Fun puzzle with 12 challenges!This puzzle is nearly new in its original box (German version).Ships worldwide from The Netherlands.Buyer pays shipping and fees.
1 bid
mimetag 111
Captica - Culica
Nearly new in box this is Culica!Multi level puzzle form the UK.All original information included.Have a look here for more info: worldwide from The Netherlands.Buyer pays shipping and fees.
1 bid