dickerdixon 230
Petit Puzzle
This has been sitting on a shelf for years and I had long forgotten the name of the puzzle or designer until I stumbled upon a description on Bernhard Schweitzer's Puzzlewood.de site which identified both. Further searches led me to Allard Walker's blog about the same puzzle and I am now confident to offer it as described. Two burr pieces in a cage - simple - but many more moves than you would expect!
USD 63.00
13 bids
dcameron 65
The structure is very unique, incorporating stick pieces and board
pieces with a constraining cage. The unique level 11.2 solution is not
as difficult as you would think, making this a fairly approachable
puzzle. When solved the acrylic nicely sets off the three wood
USD 22.00
2 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Pin Wheel by William Hu (RPP)
The Pin Cubes series by William Hu are three new cubes based on a 3x3x3 structure. By including drilled holes and pins, each puzzle in the set takes advantage of this format in a different way and creates three very different experiences. Designed to be tricky in both disassembly as well as assembly, they are a new take on an old idea, and well worth a look. Pinwheel (Maple) is the easiest of the three. The most 'standard' of them, with five moves to remove the first piece - a level that's im...
USD 156.00
27 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
BioTIC by Andrew Crowell (RPP)
BioTic is a BEAST! 28 total moves and nine rotations are required to solve it. Designed by Andrew Crowell, these fascinating "Turning Interlocking Cubes" take it to the next level. Instead of straightforward linear moves, these designs require rotations during the solution process. Construction is outstanding, with shouldered joinery where side grain gluing is not possible, and detailed bevels which flow around the shouldered joints for a uniform appearance.Precision wood puzzles can be damaged...
USD 121.00
28 bids
tynods 193
Curly Cube
Three oddly shaped pieces are interlocked to form a cube and your task is to find a way to separate them. Can you put it back together afterwards? Designed by the talented Russian Vladimir Krasnoukhov and produced at our PuzzleMaster shop in Canada.After the end of the auction the final shipping cost will be calculated.SEPA bank transfer is accepted (EU countries) and free. TransferWise payment solution is also an option.
USD 100.00
20 bids
dickerdixon 230
Capsula Burr
A slightly quirky burr from Yavuz, described by Eric at https://cubicdissection.com/products/capsula-burr
USD 145.00
16 bids
tynods 193
Locked Cube I
Here is the description written by Andrew about this puzzle (2017) :The Locked Cube I Puzzle is a sliding, interlocking wooden puzzle with a marble and a ball bearing inside. It is probably my personal favorite of all of my designs. The marble complicates the sliding moves available, and moves inside of the puzzle. The 1st objective is to remove the marble from the puzzle. There are 9 moves required in order to free the marble. There are two moves which have increased difficulty due to the ball ...
USD 194.00
13 bids
Gregory 68
Puzzlewood description :"A 3 piece burr, used as an exchange puzzle during the IPP 32 in
Washington august 2012; for puzzlecollectors a very interesting piece,
it can`t be solved by computer programs; the designer himself is
wellknown in the scenery for the invention of “burrtools” a solving
programm for puzzles"A tricky puzzle using coordinated motion in a very clever way.Winner pays shipping cost plus packagingShipping price is just an estimation (include packaging), it will be rec...
USD 82.00
16 bids
tynods 193
Pelikan page : https://www.pelikanpuzzles.eu/detail/google/Original puzzle !After the end of the auction the final shipping cost will be calculated.SEPA bank transfer is accepted (EU countries) and free. TransferWise payment solution is also an option.
USD 101.00
9 bids
tynods 193
30 balls and 60 sticks...Not much more info about this puzzle.Never tried to disassemble it.After the end of the auction the final shipping cost will be calculated.SEPA bank transfer is accepted (EU countries) and free. TransferWise payment solution is also an option.
USD 20.00
1 bid
tynods 193
50 pieces interlocking puzzle... Not much more info about this puzzle.Never tried to disassemble it.After the end of the auction the final shipping cost will be calculated.SEPA bank transfer is accepted (EU countries) and free. TransferWise payment solution is also an option.
USD 15.00
1 bid
grssam 95
Ages by Brian Young
This is a very special burr from the genius designer Brian Young. At first glance, its a Burr, but then, it has several tricks up its sleeve. A very fun and interesting disassembly journey that you would thoroughly enjoy. Assembly is not too difficult as well.Original description from Mr Puzzle website - https://www.mrpuzzle.com.au/ages-sequential-discovery-burr-puzzle-by-brian-young/Comes in original box which also lists the goals of the puzzle.A flat packaging and handling fees of 5 USD will b...
USD 430.00
3 bids
tynods 193
Designed by the talented Yasuhiro Hashimoto, this puzzle has a little tricky twist... Fun to solve.After the end of the auction the final shipping cost will be calculated.SEPA bank transfer is accepted (EU countries) and free. TransferWise payment solution is also an option.
USD 82.00
6 bids
Pu22le 13
Andrew Crowell's Turning Interlocking Cubes (TICs) revolutionized the genre. FanaTIC is one of his classic designs: 6 pieces assemble into a 4x4x4 cube, but requires a solution that includes 5 different rotations. It's incredible. Only solved once, and it was only undone for these photos - proving to me that disassembly is no walk in the park either. Comes with original box.
USD 90.00
7 bids
PuzzlingTime 68
Fallingwater Burr IPP34
Fallingwater Burr IPP34 excjange gift from Lambert Bright for the IPP34 in London.A really interesting burr that comes with solution (not solvable by burr tools).Very interesting and displays well.
USD 20.00
1 bid
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Boron by Donald Osselaer (RPP)
Boron is a moderately difficult puzzle that displays like a piece of sculpture once it's solved. The 12 pieces are made with contrasting hardwoods and precision-crafted in our North Carolina workshop. Its interlocking nature means that several pieces have to shift around to release the first piece. This puzzle is a lot of fun and a great addition to anyone's collection, beginner or advanced. Boron is delivered disassembled.Precision wood puzzles can be damaged by environmental changes. Please r...
USD 57.00
15 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Uri Three Bars by Dario Uri Unique Woods (2)
Uri Three Bars is an unusual and beautiful interlocking puzzle. This will be our second batch after an earlier, very limited release in 2015. Dario has since improved the puzzle; the previous design was solvable in 10 moves while the new release has a level 14.2 solution.These puzzles are extras and oddballs that have accumulated in the shop. Sometimes when we make a run of puzzles we will have a few with different woods, etc. which are too much trouble to list individually on the website. T...
USD 90.00
15 bids
DerekBosch 159
Vectes / Ghidorah
This puzzle is two designs in one - the cage comes with two sets of burr pieces (one a six unit length and the other an eight unit length) which are entirely different puzzles to insert. The designs were released at roughly the same time, and I found them both interesting. When I realized they shared the same cage, I was in! Both designers graciously gave permission, and so I present to you the combined Vectes / Ghidorah Box. Ghidorah is the "warm up" difficulty with a level 22.3 solution. Once ...
USD 75.00
1 bid
DerekBosch 159
This puzzle is more than just a pretty shape...it's also got a very interesting feature. Included with the six burr pieces is a small rectangular piece which can be added to the inside of the puzzle. Solved without the internal piece, Tulip has a level 16 solution. When the internal piece is added, the solution changes to a level 9.14...double the trouble for your money!The construction of this puzzle is excellent, with each piece milled from solid cherry stock. Fit is excellent, a little loose ...
USD 70.00
8 bids
DerekBosch 159
Two Halves Cage 4a
This is the companion puzzle to the much easier "Two Halved Cage 3b". The last one gave an idea of the concept; this one kicks it up several notches!This non-millable six piece burr is surrounded by a cage split into two mirrored halves. Not only must the solver figure out the burr itself, but they must also understand the burr within the constrains of the cage. That alone would be difficult, but figuring out how to start with one half of the cage and put the puzzle in a state which allows the a...
USD 170.00
13 bids