CubicdissectionExtras 536
Capsula Burr by Yavuz Demirhan
While this is not an extraordinarily difficult puzzle, it's nonetheless fun and enjoyable. The concept is unique and a bit whimsical; dovetailing three stick burr pieces and three board burr pieces into a simple symmetrical burr shape. With a unique level 2.4 solution, assembly is not very difficult. Oddly I found disassembly trickier; the tolerances are accurate such that everything must line up perfectly and in a somewhat surprising way. An interesting little puzzle I'm glad I made.Constructed...
USD 180.00
17 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Condor's Peeper by Jack Krijnen
From Mr. Puzzle's blog post found here: Condor's Peeper "Jack Krijnen has invented a number of different 18 piece burrs in the past few years but this one stood out from the others. The puzzle has 29467 possible assemblies.To assemble the puzzle in this symmetrical colour combination the puzzle has a unique solution. This solution is a level 62 disassembly; this means that it will take a minimum of 62 moves in exactly the correct order to remove just the first piece. The puzzle requires a tota...
USD 199.00
13 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Sear-ious Burr by Brian Young
From Mr. Puzzle's blog post found here: Searious Burr"The puzzle is to take the SEARious burr apart. Modelled on Chicago’s tallest building, the Sears Tower, Brian created this 13 piece interlocking burr."************************************************************For multiple items, combined shipping is available. Simply message me once you are finished bidding and I will send an invoice.Precision wood puzzles can be damaged by environmental changes. Please read the Caring for Wood Puzzle...
USD 320.00
13 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Event Horizon by Tim Alkema
Tim has been doing some very interesting work with regular burr pieces interacting with loose elements inside cages. I wanted to make one of his designs but there were several to choose from and it was a tough choice. I eventually settled on Event Horizon as a good representative of the concept. Four standard burr pieces dance around with a single cube in a box. The box has an unusual opening in the top and bottom, and hidden protrusions inside. The level (whew!) solution is very diff...
USD 191.00
18 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Cage for 4 Sticks by Stephane Chomine
This attractive piece of art is also a dang tricky puzzle. Four sticks interact with a straightforward cage in vary non-straightforward ways. The unique level 24.6.3 solution means what it says - this puzzle's not joking around. Figuring out which piece goes where is only the beginning, since some of them switch around during assembly. Order at your own peril - I'm shipping this assembled in the spirit of friendship - craftsman is not liable for any lost sleep!Construction of solid wood througho...
USD 140.00
9 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Moonflight by Osanori Yamamoto
This tricky puzzle by Osanori has an interesting appearance as well as an interesting solution. The two halves of the frame create a maze internally which changes state as you slide the pieces back and forth. The internal pieces dance around, moving in and out and about each other until finally they (hopefully) find their final resting spot with a symmetrical solution. Given a unique level 20.2.5 solution, this could not be called a simple puzzle, but neither is it hopelessly difficult. The obvi...
USD 315.00
23 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Rail Box by Yavuz Demirhan
Rail Box looks like just another caged burr at first glance. It's only after playing with it that the genius of the design is apparent. Four identical vertical pieces dance around the two longer horizontal pieces to create a unique level 18 solution. Not only do you need to determine the position, but orientation becomes important as well. A nice challenge for the seasoned puzzler, yet approachable for the intermediate / beginner.************************************************************For mu...
USD 157.00
17 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Nine Theta by Jerry Loo
Made in the same fashion (and intended as a companion to) 2014's "Rail Box", Nine Theta takes the same piston concept even further down the road. While the solution is a couple moves fewer than the Rail Box (15.3 instead of 18), it's more confusing due to the increased number of pieces. This is a damn difficult puzzle, even for the seasoned collector!Construction of this puzzle is excellent, with through cage joinery, milled solid pieces and bevels all around. Fit is dead-on.********************...
USD 122.01
15 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
STC #22-C Locked Nest by Stewart Coffin
From Stewart's Ap-Art book:"Twelve hexagonal bars are held together with 12 dowels in a symmetrical assembly.There are 2 versions. Most of those made had 5 elbow pieces, but the more challenging version has 6elbows. Appeared on 1977, 1978, and 1979 brochures. About 100 made in birch. See PC’85 and PWPD,Chapter 13. "This copy was hand crafted and signed in ink by Stewart in 2016. This copy has some rough surfaces on the walnut pieces, and some minor tear out on the drilled holes. Function is sm...
USD 70.00
12 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
STC #240 Double Cross by Stewart Coffin
STC #244 Double Cross hand crafted and signed in pencil by Stewart Coffin.Double Cross was Tom Rodgers exchange puzzle at IPP 29 in San Francisco. Designated #240 by Stewart Coffin, it looks fairly simple with six thicker sticks intersected by six thinner sticks. Solving it is anything but, as the angles are very confusing and you always end up with that one piece that won't fit. I'm delighted with this puzzle, it's a heck of a lot of fun. Difficult enough to challenge an experienced puzzler whi...
USD 41.00
9 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
STC X-73 Pineaplle Pile by Stewart Coffin
A successor to STC #240 Double Cross; it adds three pieces and another layer to the base shape.This copy was hand crafted and signed in ink by by Stewart Coffin in 2015.For multiple items, combined shipping is available. Simply message me once you are finished bidding and I will send an invoice.************************************************************For multiple items, combined shipping is available. Simply message me once you are finished bidding and I will send an invoice.Precision wood pu...
USD 50.00
13 bids
tomburns 50
A lovely rotation-filled TIC designed by Andrew Crowell and produced by Brian Menold of Wood Wonders.Five exotic woods with brass dowels. Displays wonderfully.Puzzle is currently assembled and the listing is marked as such; can be disassembled before shipping upon request by the winning bidder.I accept PayPal. Buyer can expect to pay $13
shipping domestic within the US and approximately $35 internationally.
Happy to combine shipping on multiple items.
USD 140.00
16 bids
megmuck 5
Truncated Octahedra by Stewart Coffin
Five-piece Truncated Octahedra by Stewart Coffin (design #28). One of about 50 made by Coffin. Included twelve-page booklet shows 18 other problems. Winning bidder will be invoiced for the total of the winning bid plus 4% handling fee plus shipping fee after the auction closes.
USD 171.00
20 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Puzzler's Cage by Junichi Yananose (RPP)
Are you ready? No. You're not ready. This puzzle is a BEAST.Puzzler's Cage was designed by Junichi Yananose in 1999 without the aid of a computer. He describes it as “crazy hard”. The puzzle has more interlock than should be possible, with half of the stick ends captive in notched perpendicular pieces. Even with instructions, assembly is a daunting task.We used three different woods to give clues for solving. The beautiful tones of Bubinga, Schedua and Black Palm ensure this will hold a priz...
USD 142.00
15 bids
zackz115 70
Oskar's Matchboxes Mixed Woods by Oskar van Deventer
"Oskar's Matchboxes has always been one of my favorite designs. In terms of originality, appearance and overall appeal, very few puzzles come close. The five dissimilar pieces consist of an outer box and inner tray cleverly glued together. The goal is to assemble the pieces so that every tray is contained inside a box. With only two solutions, this is quite tricky!Oskar’s Matchboxes is a very time-consuming puzzle to make, with all pieces constructed using the same shoulder joinery that we use...
USD 175.00
11 bids
tynods 193
SCACCO F.R. OPAL Puzzle Chess Set
This is the Scacco F.R. Opal Puzzle Chess Set. It was designed by the Italian architect, designer and puzzle maker Franco Rocco. The original version, made in 1977, was called 'Scaccomatto' and made out of solid brass and chrome plated. Several different versions of this chess set have followed since then, this one is the most affordable to date.Info below from the Puzzle Museum:This 4th version will be limited to an edition of 1000 copies (without certificates). Accurately made in translucent ...
USD 602.00
17 bids
tomjolly2 57
Doors and Drawers
Doors and Drawers, design by Mike Toulouzas, body by Pelikan, legs and knobs by Mike Toulouzas. Almost like a conventional burr, but there are some free-floating pieces inside. Do a web search, you can see what the guts look like, if you wish. Great condition, made in 2014.Contact me after the auction for final cost with shipping. Puzzle is 1 lb, 3 ounces packed.
USD 361.00
21 bids
PikerB 21
Reticulated Cubes
From Cubicdissection:Reticulated Cubes is a fascinating exploration of 3x3 cube puzzles with a novel twist. Each box contains nine pieces, and there are eight possible cube solutions. The goal is to organize the pieces in the box such that any three pieces in a straight line will assemble into a cube (tic-tac-toe style). The solution is quite difficult to find!
USD 402.00
23 bids
grssam 95
Oskar's Matchboxes
This is the 2020 release in Padauk. It is a very tricky puzzle and a very satisfying one once you get the solutions.Description from CD:----Oskar's
Matchboxes has always been one of my favorite designs. In terms of
originality, appearance and overall appeal, very few puzzles come close.
The five dissimilar pieces consist of an outer box and inner tray
cleverly glued together. The goal is to assemble the pieces so that
every tray is contained inside a box. With only two solutions, this ...
USD 128.00
6 bids
megmuck 5
Wausau '84 by Bill Cutler
Wausau '84 15-piece burr by Bill Cutler, from the collection of Dr. Benjamin Muckenhoupt. Cutler writes on his web site, "The last of the Wausau series. This puzzle requires several moves to get out the first piece."Cutler writes about the Wausau series, "I had always been interested in designing burr puzzles which are difficult to take apart. The burr shapes I had used to this point all had the same symmetry as the 6-piece burr or the 24-piece burr - mathematically there are 24 symmetries to th...
USD 82.00
11 bids