carlosxtorres 25
RIPley Andrew Crowell
This puzzle is unopened and still in the shrink wrap!From RIPs are here! Board Burrs have always been a favorite of mine and these are now at the top of my list of favorite Board Burrs. Assembling these is sure to test you. The rotations needed to assemble these are really a cool addition to the design. I remember making Frans de Vreugd's Tricoloure a few years ago and the unique move of swapping positions of two of the pieces was a great twist. These RIP designs take that to...
USD 50.00
1 bid
Mijkel1969 95
Square Headed Burr, Juno's Exchange Puzzle from IPP29!
The great Juno's design and exchange puzzle from IPP29, held in San Francisco in 2009. Complete in original box with solution.
USD 88.00
5 bids
Griph 31
This is Tenchi by F. Boucher and crafted by Eric Fuller/Cubicdissection. It has been solved once, returned to original unsolved configuration, and placed back in original box. From Cubicdissection listing:"Tenchi is a brilliant anti-gravity packing puzzle named after a Japanese word that translates to both "Sky" and "Land," the goal is to pack the pieces into the frame so that the puzzle can be lifted and rotated without any part falling out.There are over four thousand possible assemblies, bu...
USD 75.00
2 bids
jdmacg 16
See Pelikan site for description.Kept at 45-55% humidity.See my other items for combined shipping. Cheers!
USD 78.00
10 bids
jdmacg 16
Harun Packing Puzzle
Harun Packing Puzzle with beautiful Zebrano pieces See CD site for full information. Another brilliant packing puzzle by the designer of the award winning "Casino" puzzle, Harun is a tricky assembly. Six notched sticks and six small planks pack into the box two different ways. The solution is trickier than is apparent given the simple pieces.Construction of this puzzle is excellent, with a precise fit which displaces a cushion of air when the entire assembly is dropped in at once.Kept at 45-55...
USD 96.00
9 bids
jdmacg 16
Eggplant 1
Osanori apparent cube packing puzzle crafted in beautiful exotic woods by Pelikan. Includes original box.Kept at 45-55% humidity.See my other items for combined shipping. Cheers!
USD 60.00
7 bids
jdmacg 16
Triangle Cube 3
Osanori apparent cube packing puzzle crafted in beautiful exotic woods by Pelikan. Includes original box.Kept at 45-55% humidity.See my other items for combined shipping. Cheers!
USD 47.00
4 bids
jdmacg 16
Osanori apparent cube packing puzzle crafted in beautiful exotic woods by Pelikan. Includes original box.I added some lines to the second photo to avoid spoilers.Kept at 45-55% humidity.See my other items for combined shipping. Cheers!
USD 47.00
4 bids
jdmacg 16
Osanori apparent cube packing puzzle crafted in beautiful exotic woods by Pelikan. Includes original box.Kept at 45-55% humidity.See my other items for combined shipping. Cheers!
USD 47.00
4 bids
jdmacg 16
Triple 3
Osanori apparent cube packing puzzle crafted in beautiful exotic woods by Pelikan. Does not include original box.Kept at 45-55% humidity.See my other items for combined shipping. Cheers!
USD 47.00
4 bids
josiah1221 53
Key and Keyway Cube
Key and Keyway Cube designed and printed by Logic Puzzles.A very interesting and challenging puzzle, looks easy enough, but far from it! (Click on the link below for the original product page with more info and pics.) cost within the US: $15 (USPS Priority 2 Day Mail)Shipping cost outside the US: $30 (USPS First Class International Mail)
USD 40.00
3 bids
arcwoodpuzzles 20
Pinball designed by William Hu and made by Cubic Dissection. Everything in the photo is included. Ships from USA.
USD 48.00
11 bids
mimetag 111
Slideways Cube - Ray Stanton / Pelikan
Slideways cube by Ray Stanton, well-made by Pelikan (IPP35).From the (first and only) release of Pelikan, very rare, not seen in auction before.Selling to make room for new puzzlesShipping is calculated after the auction, estimates:Netherlands: $ 12,00Europe: $ 20,00World: $ 40,00Insurance available on request.SEPA bank transfer possible within Europe.
USD 95.00
1 bid
jdmacg 16
Dirty Dozen and Lattice
Set of two Jerry Loo puzzles.See my other items for combined shipping. Cheers!
USD 56.00
13 bids
CubicdissectionExtras 536
Grooved Three Piece Board Burr by Kouki Kusumi Oddball (2)
The Grooved Three Piece Burr by Kouki Kusumi won an honorable mention in the 2020 IPP Design Competition. This fascinating assembly has three identical pieces yet only one solution. Despite their similarity, the pieces interact uniquely to assemble into the traditional board burr shape. With a level 8.2 solution, this puzzle is approachable yet fun for all experience levels.************************************************************These puzzles are extras and oddballs that have accumulated in ...
USD 120.00
23 bids
Joshualc9 100
Convolution Puzzle Cube STC-30 Nedeljko Woodworks
This is a really nice construction of this classic puzzle. I’ve solved it just a couple times. And for most of this puzzles life, it has been been stored away in airtight containers.
USD 50.00
1 bid
jdmacg 16
Double Slideways
See CD site for full description. Double Slideways is a brilliant design and I'm glad we found time to make it again! This is a re-release of Ray's excellent exchange puzzle we last produced in 2014. The exchange edition was in a smaller format and fully notched for production efficiency. This remake is in a larger size and features augmented construction with a triangular stock insert. As a result, there is less void space once assembled, giving this edition smoother operation and more stabi...
USD 60.00
1 bid
jdmacg 16
See Pelikan site for description. A great zoo burr.Kept at 45-55% humidity.See my other items for combined shipping.
USD 140.00
6 bids
jdmacg 16
See Pelikan site for description. A fun dancing 2 piece burr. Kept at 45-55% humidity.See my other items for combined shipping.
USD 35.00
1 bid
jdmacg 16
See CD site for full description. BurrBon is an utterly unique Interlocking Burr Puzzle. What could be better than a six-piece burr? How about a six-piece burr inside another six-piece burr? There are several ways to build the inner and out burrs separately, but only one possible configuration assembles them together. The interaction between inner and outer pieces is what makes this an extraordinarily difficult puzzle.The construction of BurrBon required just the right balance of tolerances to ...
USD 100.00
1 bid