M.McCallum 10
4 Color 3rd Stellation
Stewart Coffin's Third Stellation in 4 Colors, number 50-B in his list of designs. This copy is made of Gaboon Ebony, Macassar Ebony, Tulipwood, Bloodwood, and a center of Cherry. Stewart proposed, but never made any of this design. First discussed in his Puzzling World of Polyhedral Dissections book on p 88. A rare and beautiful puzzle. Puzzle has my signature on the internal piece. Buyers assume actual PayPal fees and Shipping costs.
33 bids
M.McCallum 10
Diagonal Cube
Stewart Coffin's Diagonal Cube, number 58 in his list of designs. This copy is made of Gaboon Ebony, Macassar Ebony, and a center of Cherry. Stewart made about 20 of these puzzles in fancy woods from 1981-1985. This puzzle has a fantastic fit and finish. Nearly perfect in every way, as all corners meet up nicely when assembled, it has a real "wow" factor. Puzzle has my signature on the internal part of a piece. Buyers assume actual PayPal fees and Shipping costs.
25 bids
toml942 5
Second Stellation
Second Stellation is Stewart Coffin's design # 14-A. It looks like Super Nova (14) but all 6 pieces are different.
17 bids
M.McCallum 10
Fancy This!
Stewart Coffin's Fancy This! puzzle, number 115-A in his list of designs. This copy is made of Purpleheart and Imbuya. Stewart made about 8 of these puzzles in 1996 and it was used as an exchange puzzle at IPP-17, crafted by Wayne Daniel. In #115 , Stewart used four different woods to aid in the solution. The -A suffix comes from the fact that this version is made of one external wood, which makes the puzzle more difficult. The first step in solving this 7 piece puzzle involves a tricky coo...
21 bids
DerekBosch 159
Level 5 Burr Set
this is a beautiful set of 42 notchable burr pieces that assemble to make at least 160 different Level 5 six-piece burr puzzles... Comes in a gorgeous display case, and has instruction cards for all 160 burr puzzles...Buyer is responsible for shipping and paypal fees
31 bids
DerekBosch 159
Pentangle says ~ “Vertigo
is an 18 piece chequerboard burr puzzle utilizing 9 pieces of 2 different color woods. You
may have difficulty in finding the key... -but keep looking - its in there
somewhere.”Buyer is responsible for shipping and paypal fees
27 bids
tomjolly 119
Wooden cube - 3D jigsaw cut 27 pieces - Keith Winegar
Wooden cube, jigsaw-cut, 27 pieces, 4 inches wide, from Keith Winegar Puzzle Works, 1994. Little sheet comes with it, but doesn't give you any instructions (not like you need them; it's a 3D jigsaw, after all). Not sure what wood this is, somewhat redish in color, not super-dense. Looks nice. Easy beginner puzzle for your non-puzzleist friends.
23 bids
M.McCallum 10
Stewart Coffin 111-D
Stewart Coffin's unnamed puzzle, number 111-D in his list of designs. This copy is made of Cherry and East Indian Rosewood. Stewart made one in 1995. Made of two kinds of pieces, three of each. Requires patience and coordinate motion to assemble. Related to Lost and Found, sold in the last auction, and Lucky Star, available in this auction. More confusing to disassemble than the other puzzles in the 111-X family. A neat and very rare Coffin design. The fit and finish are very good. ...
19 bids
DerekBosch 159
Noris Cube
a challenging 5x5x5 cube, this time by George Pfaffinger...just in case 4x4x4 wasn't enough...Buyer is responsible for shipping and paypal fees
17 bids
DerekBosch 159
Pelikan Puzzle - Level 98 burr
Yes, that is right, it takes 98 moves to take out the first piece!Designed by Dic Sonneveld as an exercise in how crazy a burr could be made (... my words, not his!...)Named the Pelikan after the flood that took out the Pelikan workshop...Buyer is responsible for shipping and paypal fees
25 bids
M.McCallum 10
Twelve Piece Separation
Stewart Coffin's 12 Piece Separation puzzle, number 85 in his list. This copy is made of Imbuya, a fragrant wood from South America sometimes referred to as South American Walnut. Stewart made about 30 of these puzzles from 1988-1992. I sold several on this website a couple years ago and this is a leftover from that lot. A very tricky puzzle to assemble as it requires a lot of "back and forth" movement of pieces. Signed by me on the inside of the puzzle. Buyers assume actual PayPal fees and...
15 bids
toml942 5
Egyptian is Stewart Coffin's design #23-A. It is an enlarged version of Scrambled Scorpius (#23) Only a few were made in the mid 1990s.
29 bids
DerekBosch 159
Zen Puzzle
Remove the five brass rods from the aluminum frame. Key piece is
spring-loaded to keep its position. Charles Perry is a renowned
architect and sculptor, with a handful of puzzle designs to his credit.
Includes black felt storage bag.Buyer is responsible for shipping and paypal fees
5 bids
M.McCallum 10
7 Piece 3rd Stellation
Stewart Coffin's 7 Piece Third Stellation, number 73 in his list of designs. This copy is made of Blue Mahoe, a rare wood from Jamaica. Stewart made 5 in 1985. Design published in 2003. The first step involves coordinate motion of three pieces followed by serially interlocking the rest. Similar to Fancy This!, only extended. A neat and challenging puzzle. The fit and finish are very good. Puzzle has my signature on the internal piece. Buyers assume actual PayPal fees and Shipping cost...
17 bids
DerekBosch 159
Lost Day
this is a 24 piece burr... comes with extensive solution documentation.Buyer is responsible for shipping and paypal fees
11 bids
FrancoisMatte 15
Happiness Cube #2
Like every Pelikan puzzles, this one is very well made with high precision.
Very stable through different humidity conditions.
Difficulty moderate.
Solution included.
Buyer pays 4% Paypal.
12 bids
Sweet Deceiver
This is actually one of the 2 copies that were entered in the IPP Design Competition 2008.
Since Scott Peterson moved shortly after these puzzles were finished, the production of a small batch - as planned - had to be postponed. And when it will become available it will probably not be the way this one is, but rather in the shape of the first stellation. OK, that would make the puzzle a bit harder, but at the same time take away 'the history' of the puzzle as it is in fact something between ...
11 bids
M.McCallum 10
QuadraHex Prism
This was literally my copy of my design entry at IPP23 in 2003. This copy was put on display at the competition. It came back to me a little nicked up and a little bit looser, but all in all, it is still in pretty good shape. This copy is made of Bloodwood and Quilted Maple. I only made a few of this puzzle as there wasn't much demand for it. Made of six unique pieces, very similar to the Diagonal Cube. Assembled puzzle has the appearance of four intersecting hexagonal prisms. Puzzle h...
15 bids
DerekBosch 159
Quad Squad - 4 puzzles
This auction is for the following 4 members of Viktor Genel'sQuad-Squad family:Quadro-Prism, Quadra-Cube, Long-Beamed Star, and Quadra-Dode...These 4 puzzles interchange pieces, and make beautiful sculptures as well.These are only to be sold as a complete setBuyer is responsible for shipping and paypal fees
13 bids
M.McCallum 10
Permutated 3rd Stellation
Stewart Coffin's Permutated Third Stellation, unnumbered in his list of designs, but this is just an oversight and would likely be #50-C. This copy is made of Honduras Rosewood. Stewart did not make any of this particular design. Design published in his PWPD book p 91. Slightly more confusing than the Permutated 2nd Stellation (also for sale in this auction by another seller) simply because the arms are a little longer and the pieces more irregular. Two solutions exist. The fit and finis...
13 bids