DerekBosch 159
Helical Burr
This puzzle is my IPP design competition Jury Award winner from IPP32 in Japan.It is a level-11 helical burr. It also has a level-1 solution.I'm selling three different dyed puzzles here - they are 3d printed and dyed at Shapeways...solid colors are available directly from shape ways for $65, and custom dyed puzzles from medirectly for $75, so bid appropriately! :)I'm selling these puzzles to fund future puzzle-making equipment, and of course to buy morepuzzles :)buyer is responsible for money...
7 bids
DerekBosch 159
Helical Burr
This puzzle is my IPP design competition Jury Award winner from IPP32 in Japan.It is a level-11 helical burr. It also has a level-1 solution.I'm selling three different dyed puzzles here - they are 3d printed and dyed at Shapeways...solid colors are available directly from shape ways for $65, and custom dyed puzzles from medirectly for $75, so bid appropriately! :)I'm selling these puzzles to fund future puzzle-making equipment, and of course to buy morepuzzles :)buyer is responsible for money...
5 bids
DerekBosch 159
Shift Burr
This is a very unconventional 6 piece burr by Oskar van Deventer.I'm selling these puzzles to fund future puzzle-making equipment, and of course to buy morepuzzles :)buyer is responsible for money transfer fees (ie 3.5% for paypal), packing and shipping expenses...
29 bids
nstarr 9
All Five
Wayne Daniel created this magical nesting of the five Platonic solids, a tour de force whose outer icosahedron contained a dodecahedron then a cube, none tetrahedra and four octahedra, all without empty spaces. It garnered attention in the New York Times of May 10, 2005: (Decades earlier, Dale Seymour had issued a cardboard model of the five nested Platonic solids, in a different order of nesting.) Both an assemb...
5 bids
BruceWhitehill 33
Keychain puzzle - Stagecoach
Interlocking keychain puzzleI ship internationally. All payments from outside the U.S.A. should be paid in euro to the PayPal address shown in the invoice (if your currency is not euro, it will be converted automatically). NOTE TO AMERICAN BUYERS only: Please pay in dollars to this PayPal address:; if you wish to pay through PayPal with a credit card in the USA, please add 3% and contact me for a different email address. Thank you.
1 bid
BruceWhitehill 33
Keychain puzzle - Ferry boat
Interlocking keychain puzzleI ship internationally. All payments from outside the U.S.A. should be paid in euro to the PayPal address shown in the invoice (if your currency is not euro, it will be converted automatically). NOTE TO AMERICAN BUYERS only: Please pay in dollars to this PayPal address:; if you wish to pay through PayPal with a credit card in the USA, please add 3% and contact me for a different email address. Thank you.
1 bid
rzvvl2 57
Jolly's Double Bar Cube
Up on the auction block is thePelikan Workshop's finely crafted rendition of Tom Jolly's Double Bar Cube Puzzle. I've pasted the descrition the Eric Fuller gave for the set of Double Bar Cubes he released in 2006 below. This puzzle features 3 contrasting hardwoods (maple, yellowheart, & brown oak)
"An interesting and unusual interlocking burr puzzle designed by Tom Jolly. Six identical pieces interlock in a symmetrical manner. Moderate in difficulty and fun to solve. The "H Cube" take...
5 bids
rzvvl2 57
Two Piece Oddity
This listing is for Tom Jolly's Two Piece Oddity puzzle, crafted by Eric Fuller. I've copied and pasted the puzzle stats from Eric's Cubicdissection site below:
Approximately 20 Copies
Tom Jolly
Eric Fuller
Walnut / T'Zalam
Sometimes I end up spending more time on a puzzle then I can possibly recover in the sale price...usually because I want to try something new, or because t...
7 bids
rzvvl2 57
One of the set of 25 made and sold by Eric Fuller in 2006. Here's the description from his Cubicdissection site:
"This is the next step up in Mr. Jolly's exploration of how to make an interlocking burr from a particular base shape consisting of an "L" and a "T" joined. While the easier iteration, the double bar cube, has six identical pieces, the H Cube has unique pieces with added units that make it considerably more difficult to solve. Additionally, disassembly is very confusing with ...
7 bids
rzvvl2 57
Twenty Cube
This listing is for Rick Eason's Twenty Cube Puzzle, crafted by the Pelikan Workshop. Named after the number of individual parts that make up the four pieces of the puzzle
Excellent fit and finish
A reserve price has been set for this auction. Should the reserve price not be met, depending on how close to the reserve the highest bid comes in at, I may consider selling the puzzle at that highest bid price, and will contact the highest bidder if I do.
3 bids
rzvvl2 57
Thai Pham's Diagonal Loop #2
A fun and challenging 5 piece serially interlocking 4x4x4 cube puzzle, requiring 11 total moves for complete disassembly (, including a couple rotations.
Nice use of 2 contrasting woods. Excellent fit and finish.
A reserve price has been set for this auction. Should the reserve price not be met, depending on how close to the reserve the highest bid comes in at, I may consider selling the puzzle at that highest bid price, and will contact the highest bidd...
5 bids
rzvvl2 57
Spiral Cube 2
This listing is for Tom Jolly's Spiral Cube 2, crafted by the Pelikan Workshop. This puzzle requires 10 moves for complete disassembly (1.5.4), including rotation or two
A reserve price has been set for this auction. Should the reserve price not be met, depending on how close to the reserve the highest bid comes in at, I may consider selling the puzzle at that highest bid price, and will contact the highest bidder if I do.
Winning bidder will be invoiced t...
6 bids
rzvvl2 57
Spiral Cube 1
Tom Jolly's 6 total move (3.1.2) interlocking cube puzzle with a twist.
A reserve price has been set for this auction. Should the reserve price not be met, depending on how close to the reserve the highest bid comes in at, I may consider selling the puzzle at that highest bid price, and will contact the highest bidder if I do.
Winning bidder will be invoiced the total of the winning bid amount + shipping cost to be calculated after the end of the auction ...
6 bids
rzvvl2 57
Almost There
Bill Darrah's 4 piece interlocking cube. Really fun to play with.
Excellent fit and finish
A reserve price has been set for this auction. Should the reserve price not be met, depending on how close to the reserve the highest bid comes in at, I may consider selling the puzzle at that highest bid price, and will contact the highest bidder if I do.
Winning bidder will be invoiced the total of the winning bid amount + shipping cost to be calculated after the en...
7 bids
rzvvl2 57
X Lattice
Great 2 piece interlocking cube frame requiring 6 moves for disassembly.
Excellent fit and finish
A reserve price has been set for this auction. Should the reserve price not be met, depending on how close to the reserve the highest bid comes in at, I may consider selling the puzzle at that highest bid price, and will contact the highest bidder if I do.
Winning bidder will be invoiced the total of the winning bid amount + shipping cost to be calculated af...
6 bids
rzvvl2 57
Jason's Cube
Approximately 12 Copies
Eric Fuller / Jason Hanning
Eric Fuller
Maple / Walnut
This puzzle was designed by me and my old roommate, Jason. He was playing about with a copy of the the Double-L cube designed by Yoshigahara that I made for my collection. He managed to make kind of an "L" shape using 6 of the 8 pieces. I thought it would be interesting to make the final 1/4 of the puz...
3 bids
DerekBosch 159
Derek's Half Dozen
This was one of the royalty puzzles I received from Eric for letting him make this design.It is new in shrink-wrap. I was very lucky to have Eric make these - he did an awesome job,as he always does!His description:Despite the devilish difficulty of this puzzle, let me assure you that Derek is a really nice guy. Keep that in mind as you go crazy trying to solve his latest creation. Derek's half dozen is fiendishly difficult at a level 26.9.5 solution. It's so hard to solve I took pity and made ...
5 bids
rzvvl2 57
In Brackets
40 Copies
Sam Cornwell
Eric Fuller
Peruvian Walnut / Zebrawood
Sam designed this excellent interlocking puzzle for the IPP design competition. Functionally it's a fairly easy 3x3 cube. The twist is the three brackets which wrap around the cube. Disassembly can be tricky, and assembly more so since there is only one solution and one order in which to insert the brackets. A very fun and uni...
5 bids
Account Deleted
T in Cube
This was a prototype that I made up to investigate the design...only made a few, one for my collection, one for the designer, and a couple which I'm selling here. I have no plans to produce this puzzle in the future. It is signed and dated.This burr is 11 pieces with a single level solution. It's tricky but doable! Crafted from solid yellowheart with very nice tolerances, intentionally a little loose in this dry winter weather to ensure proper operation during the more humi...
25 bids