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The Decoy
RELEASED:5.27.2013PRODUCED:42 CopiesDESIGNER:Stewart CoffinCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Cocobolo or Ebony, Spalted Wormy Holly or Canarywood, Sapele, AcrylicCOMMENTS:I was browsing through AP-ART when my eye fell on Mr. Coffins design #187 family. I have not made a cool tray puzzle in a while, and this seemed like just the ticket. I also had a nice bunch of ebony and cocobolo that would be perfect for it!.About design #187, Stewart says:"The three puzzles in this category all have a 5×5 square...
15 bids
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Uranus (2nd Edition)
RELEASED:11.29.2012PRODUCED:37 CopiesDESIGNER:Junichi YananoseCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Canarywood / BloodwoodCOMMENTS:It had been a while since I made a simple six piece burr, and I really like them. They were the first puzzles I made when I was hacking away on my kitchen table nearly ten years ago trying to get a feel for this woodworking thing. So I felt like making another one...problem is, there are so many to choose from. I looked around a bit then remembered the small run of puzzles I...
33 bids
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Four Cross Twelve
RELEASED:3.27.2013PRODUCED:34 CopiesDESIGNER:Guy BretteCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Maple and PurpleheartCOMMENTS:Another of Guy Brette's devious designs, this twelve piece burr has two different stick lengths and an interesting "cross" finished shape. It's also quite difficult with a whopping level 9.9.9 solution. I'd call it the crown jewel of this update in terms of difficulty and appearance. The maple on the short axis contrasts nicely with the purpleheart long axis, and once assembled it d...
31 bids
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Framework II
RELEASED:5.27.2013PRODUCED:38 CopiesDESIGNER:Markus GötzCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut, Sapele, Yellowheart, Wenge, Maple, Bloodwood, Paduak, Rosewood, Holly, Purpleheart, Cherry or Walnut Stand, Stainless pinsCOMMENTS:Markus designed this puzzle quite a while ago and I always liked the looks of it. Finally I emailed him asking if the design was free...and it was! One hitch though - there was more than one solution. I greatly prefer puzzles with a single solution, so I decided to enlist T...
7 bids
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Bookend Burr (Constrained burr set)
RELEASED:5.27.2013PRODUCED:40 CopiesDESIGNER:Logan KleinwaksCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut and Ash Cages, Cherry or Holly or Maple piecesCOMMENTS:When Logan sent me the first puzzle in this series, the Bookend puzzle, I was very impressed. The concept was interesting, the solution tricky, and of course the finished puzzle displayed very nicely. He then followed it up with three more complimentary designs, each with a unique solution. I knew immediately I wanted to make them, and so now I'm...
27 bids
Account Deleted
Clamped Burr (Constrained burr set)
RELEASED:5.27.2013PRODUCED:40 CopiesDESIGNER:Logan KleinwaksCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut and Ash Cages, Cherry or Holly or Maple piecesCOMMENTS:When Logan sent me the first puzzle in this series, the Bookend puzzle, I was very impressed. The concept was interesting, the solution tricky, and of course the finished puzzle displayed very nicely. He then followed it up with three more complimentary designs, each with a unique solution. I knew immediately I wanted to make them, and so now I'm...
13 bids
Account Deleted
Cornered Burr (Constrained burr set)
RELEASED:5.27.2013PRODUCED:40 CopiesDESIGNER:Logan KleinwaksCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut and Ash Cages, Cherry or Holly or Maple piecesCOMMENTS:When Logan sent me the first puzzle in this series, the Bookend puzzle, I was very impressed. The concept was interesting, the solution tricky, and of course the finished puzzle displayed very nicely. He then followed it up with three more complimentary designs, each with a unique solution. I knew immediately I wanted to make them, and so now I'm...
29 bids
Account Deleted
Looped Burr (Constrained burr set)
RELEASED:5.27.2013PRODUCED:40 CopiesDESIGNER:Logan KleinwaksCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut and Ash Cages, Cherry or Holly or Maple piecesCOMMENTS:When Logan sent me the first puzzle in this series, the Bookend puzzle, I was very impressed. The concept was interesting, the solution tricky, and of course the finished puzzle displayed very nicely. He then followed it up with three more complimentary designs, each with a unique solution. I knew immediately I wanted to make them, and so now I'm...
29 bids
M.McCallum 10
Star of David- Improved Version
Stewart Coffin's Star of David design (#37-A) made of cocobolo, a true rosewood. Six non-symmetrical pieces that assemble three different ways, some with a surprising diagonal axis of assembly, to form 3 different symmetrical polyhedral solids. Signed by the artist.PayPal payment add 4% for PayPal fees.Shipping is $8 for US Priority Mail for US customers. International customers to pay actual shipping charges.
13 bids
RMcCallister 0
Five Minute Puzzle That May Take Longer
This is the Five Minute Puzzle That May Take Longer designed by Andy Turner and crafted by Eric Fuller. Eric Fuller states it took him a lot longer than 5 minutes to solve but luckily he was smart enough to make it. I think it is a great puzzle. Only 36 made. I do hope I have it listed in the right category. If not please forgive!On Feb. 03, 2014 08:34:30, the following description has been added:I am also looking for a Holey Box packing puzzle and the Six Key Mine by Bits And Pieces. Contact me...
9 bids
dickerdixon 230
Mine's Cube in Cage 333
Designed by Mineyuki Uyematsu and crafted by Eric Fuller this has been the most revisited puzzle in my collection as it took me a long, long time to solve all eight cubes. Still in near perfect condition, this is the version with cubes of red palm, yellowheart, marblewood, wenge, Indonesian rosewood, zebrawood, chakte viga and leopardwood, the cage is walnut. One of 22 made by Eric in 2008.
23 bids
JerryMcFarland 26
Kingwood six piece burr puzzle
A level 9 six piece burr puzzle made with solid 1" purplish Brazilian Kingwood. Kingwood is a very expensive wood and one of the nicest in the rosewood family.
11 bids
RMcCallister 0
Ribbon Puzzle By Eric Fuller
This is the Ribbon Puzzle designed by Tom Jolly and the craftsman is Eric Fuller. This is a six piece burr in a three piece burr shape with hollow internals. Very trick assembly. Crafted with various exotic hardwoods the fit is a bit loose due to the unsupported nature of the framework design. It definitely will not be falling apart in your hands. Shouldered joints make this diminuitive puzzle surprisingly strong to ensure longevity. The above has been copied from the cubic dissection website.Mi...
23 bids
tomjolly 119
Cubed Burr II, copy 1
Many years ago, Eric made about a dozen of these puzzles, one of my designs which was basically a Cutler Burr turned into a cube, with a few other mods. It's a level 10 puzzle with 6 pieces. Due to some problem with the wood, extensive sanding on the puzzles (like, hours) was required to make them actually fit together; I volunteered to do this task. I only got around to sanding the last two copies a month ago, and they fit together fairly well, but not perfectly; you can see small gaps in the p...
7 bids
tomjolly 119
Cubed Burr II, copy 2
Many years ago, Eric made about a dozen of these puzzles, one of my designs which was basically a Cutler Burr turned into a cube, with a few other mods. It's a level 10 puzzle with 6 pieces. Due to some problem with the wood, extensive sanding on the puzzles (like, hours) was required to make them actually fit together; I volunteered to do this task. I only got around to sanding the last two copies a month ago, and they fit together fairly well, but not perfectly; you can see small gaps in the p...
5 bids
Pottypuzzles 28
Bill Darrah's Tri-Plane
This was Joe Becker's exchange at IPP19, made by Interlocking Puzzles
1 bid
GeorgeBell 63
Three Piece Block
One of Stewart Coffin's most well-known design. Surprisingly tricky considering there are only 3 pieces. The target shape is a tetrahedron made from cubes, definitely a difficult shape to visualize.This copy was 3D printed by Shapeways, it is "pocket sized" and made from ten 13mm cubes. Each piece is dyed a different color, which makes disassembly easy, but reassembly is not any easier.I have several wood copies of this puzzle, and while they are very nice, none of them fit as well as this pu...
9 bids
dickerdixon 230
Rosebud - STC#39 and assemly jig - STC#39a
Beautifully crafted by Scott Peterson from English Walnut and Peroba Rosa and almost impossible to assemble without the jig, which is African Blackwood. This is Stewart Coffin's design #39 and #39a and is in perfect condition.
9 bids
GeorgeBell 63
Exploding Ball Puzzle
Assemble ten identical pieces (plus a small icosahedron) into a 5 cm
diameter ball. This puzzle was 3D printed by Shapeways and dyed in 5
colors by me. The core is a Game Science D20 die (included).This
puzzle was designed by Stephen Chin, based on a Wayne Daniel puzzle. In 2010, the wooden version won an
award in the IPP puzzle design competition. This is the same puzzle available in my Etsy store, is difficult to achieve a good fit with these p...
9 bids
jchiou 51
Slideways Burr - Ray Stanton
For some reason this puzzle seems to "solve itself", even though it is a machined item and has no damage
31 bids