JerryMcFarland 26
Tulipwood Piston Puzzle
A smaller size level 9 Piston Puzzle made of Tulipwood. 7/8" size sticks. Solution included.
1 bid
DerekBosch 159
Framework II - Gotz
from cubic designed this puzzle quite a while ago and I always liked the looks of it. Finally I emailed him asking if the design was free...and it was! One hitch though - there was more than one solution. I greatly prefer puzzles with a single solution, so I decided to enlist Tom Jolly to see if it could be modified into a single solution. Tom quickly determined that the original had at least 15 solutions. Both Tom and Markus subsequently went to work, both coming up with i...
17 bids
DerekBosch 159
Fusion - Kleinwaks
f you like solving one six piece burr, how about two at the same time! With a difficult level 18.6.3 solution, this puzzle is not for lightweights! Tricky and entertaining, and displays very well once solved. Three different woods used for aesthetics and also to give the solver a chance (this puzzle would be exponentially more difficult in solid wood). Fit is incredibly precise - sometimes this makes find the next move extra tricky...I'm selling these puzzles to fund future puzzle-making equipme...
1 bid
Account Deleted
RELEASED:2.13.2013PRODUCED:40 CopiesDESIGNER:Stephane ChomineCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Quilted Maple / BloodwoodCOMMENTS:Stephane has been coming out with a lot of new designs lately, and it was tough to pick which I liked the best. I found the geometry of the cage and internal pieces very pleasing, and the fact that Triaxe is a difficult level 24 solution didn't hurt. With only three pieces it's not impossible, but this is definitely an advanced puzzle. Lots of movement and lots of dead end...
11 bids
Account Deleted
RELEASED:5.30.2012PRODUCED:44 CopiesDESIGNER:Osanori YamamotoCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Bocote - Wenge GranadilloCOMMENTS:I always enjoy Mr. Osanori's designs, and the N-One is no exception. Three pieces, uncomplicated, with a fun level 15.3 solution. The keyring serves two could actually use this to hold keys, the pieces arent going anywhere (May not want them being rough handled in a purse or pocket though). Additionally, the chain blocks a second, remove the ch...
17 bids
DerekBosch 159
Galaxy - Yamamoto
Four identical pieces, a simple frame, and a level 18.10 solution. Typical of Osanori's designs, this puzzle is difficult, fun, and aesthetically pleasing. The pieces are cut from solid bubinga, and interact in tricky and surprising ways with the box. I like this design a lot, and recommend it to any puzzler looking for a moderate to difficult challenge.I'm selling these puzzles to fund future puzzle-making equipment, and of course to buy morepuzzles :)buyer is responsible for money transfer fee...
11 bids
Account Deleted
RELEASED:11.29.2012PRODUCED:38 CopiesDESIGNER:Osanori YamamotoCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut / Mora / WengeCOMMENTS:This tricky puzzle by Osanori has an interesting appearance as well as an interesting solution. The two halves of the frame create a maze internally which changes state as you slide the pieces back and forth. The internal pieces dance around, moving in and out and about each other until finally they (hopefully) find their final resting spot with a symmetrical solution. Given ...
9 bids
Stewart8968 3
Interlocking Burr Set - Wayne Daniel
42 piece boxed set includes original documentation.Wayne DanielIf the buyer chooses to be invoiced through Paypal, then Paypal fees of 3.98% will be added to the price. Buyer assumes all shipping fees.
30 bids
tomjolly 119
Woody Cube Puzzle/Nankai
Woody Cube Puzzle/Nankai, from Bits and Pieces, #07-G7909, called "The Classic Cube Conundrum" in their catalog. Weighs 12 ounces without any packaging.
17 bids
Stewart8968 3
Chinese Cross Compendium - C.A. Cross and Pentangle
42 piece boxed set with original documentationC.A. Cross and PentangleMade of MahoganyIf the buyer chooses to be invoiced through Paypal, then Paypal fees of 3.98% will be added to the price. Buyer assumes all shipping fees.
23 bids
j7727 14
Vectes / Ghidorah
"This puzzle is two designs in one - the cage comes with two sets of burr pieces (one a six unit length and the other an eight unit length) which are entirely different puzzles to insert. The designs were released at roughly the same time, and I found them both interesting. When I realized they shared the same cage, I was in! Both designers graciously gave permission, and so I present to you the combined Vectes / Ghidorah Box. Ghidorah is the "warm up" difficulty with a level 22.3 solution. Once...
9 bids
DerekBosch 159
Tom's Square Dance
from Tom, you crafty little devil. Once again he comes out with a very interesting and unique design that I can't resist making. Tom's Square Dance consists of nine pieces which interlock into the surrounding frame. WIth a unique level solution, this is a tricky nut to crack. Simply identifying piece positions is quite tricky, and sorting out the insertion order and moves necessary simply compounds the difficulty. Definitely doable, but definitely difficult. I'm ...
23 bids
tomjolly 119
Akiyama Cube
Akiyama Cube, designed by Hisayoshi Akiyama, made by Naoyuki Iwase. Weighs 7 ounces without any packaging.
17 bids
DerekBosch 159
Tom Jolly - Twist the Night Away
from was showing various puzzles to an IPP attendee when they skipped right over this one. I started to show it to them and they said "Everything interesting that can be done with 4x4 cubes has already been done". I laughed and showed them about half of the solution, at which time they cried "Stop - I'll take it!". This really is a fabulously interesting cube, and Tom really hit the ball out of the park with it. It's just a downright fun puzzle that still puts a smile on my...
17 bids
tomjolly 119
Loopy Cube - mfg Brian Menold, design Tom Jolly
Loopy cube, beautifully made by Brian Menold in Osage Orange and Wenge, in 2014. Design by Tom Jolly. A fairly normal 4x4x4 cube, with a loop. Only 1 rotation needed. It's shown at Weighs 9 ounces without packing.
15 bids
JerryMcFarland 26
20 Piece Altekruse type puzzle with internal 6 piece burr
This is a 20 piece altekruse type puzzle of unknown designer. J. McFarland modified it with extra internal notches to allow a 6 piece burr to fit inside. The puzzle uses 1" sticks and the 6 piece burr is a level 5 Bill's Baffling Burr designed by Bill Cutler. Both puzzles were made in 1988, only 2 sets made. 8 pieces need rounded edges in the notch for the puzzle to assemble.
3 bids
j7727 14
Derek's Half Dozen
"Despite the devilish difficulty of this puzzle, let me assure you that Derek is a really nice guy. Keep that in mind as you go crazy trying to solve his latest creation. Derek's half dozen is fiendishly difficult at a level 26.9.5 solution. It's so hard to solve I took pity and made the pieces from three woods so you'd have a big clue as to what goes where. I'm also shipping it assembled. You're welcome.Construction is dead on with VERY nice tolerances. Everything's square and beveled, with thr...
3 bids
dickerdixon 230
Improved Cluster Buster
Stewart Coffin's Improved Cluster Buster by Scott Peterson - inscribed #3-6/11-STP.
13 bids