tomjolly 119
Condor's Peeper, designed Jack Krijnen, made by Mr Puzzle
Condor's Peeper, designed Jack Krijnen, made by Mr Puzzle. Highest unique 18 piece burr with notchable pieces. Unassembled. Made from Virtec, Jarrah, and Silver Ash woods. A couple of the jarrah pieces have a tiny hole in them, but they came that way; probably an insect bore-hole originally.
21 bids
Arc Light 47
18+1 OCTAHEDRON PUZZLEThis puzzle was designed by Rolando Pontalti and there is a description located on the Puzzlewood website here: is no makers mark within the puzzle and I cannot confirm the maker. It is a quality puzzle and very well made, so if the photos help to locate the maker, let me know.Shipping can be calculated at auction close, so please allow time for that before sending payment. Buy...
9 bids
Andrew.Fabian 15
3D Printed Barcode Burr (Multicoloured) by Stephen Miller
3D Printed version of Lee Krasnow's Barcode Burr by Stephen MillerThis limited edition version has multi-coloured pieces and was only available to the two winning teams at Stephen Millers Pyro Puzzles event held in 2014.Being an integral part of the event there is a number printed on the inside of each piece as shown in the second picture.
13 bids
Andrew.Fabian 15
3D Printed Barcode Burr (Glow in the Dark) by Stephen Miller
3D Printed version of Lee Krasnow's Barcode Burr by Stephen Miller
This limited edition version has used Glow in the Dark plastic of which there are only currently 2 in existence.
23 bids
Arc Light 47
COORDINATE-MOTION PUZZLEThis puzzle was crafted by Bill Sheckels and I believe used by Norton Starr as one of his exchange puzzles. Although this puzzle requires coordinate motion to solve, there is a locking system also employed.Shipping can be calculated at auction close, so please allow time for that before sending payment. Buyer is responsible for PayPal fees. If you have any questions just send me an email. Many thanks!
21 bids
nstarr 9
Maagic Box + Half Hour
Made by Tom Lensch, who describes it as follows:Oskar Van Deventer designed the Magic Box and while I was making it decided that it would be interesting to have a puzzle inside to fill the empty space. I decided on Stewart Coffin’s Half Hour Puzzle because it could be assembled into a cube, it is a challenging puzzle and the pieces can be assembled into many other puzzle shapes.
37 bids
GeorgeBell 63
Easter Egg
This 4-piece puzzle is not difficult but is very beautiful. It is made from several exotic hardwoods. Stand included.
17 bids
GeorgeBell 63
Double UT
Three pieces interlock, rotations required. This puzzle is not difficult but is fun to play with. IPP32 exchange puzzle from Abel Garcia.
1 bid
GeorgeBell 63
Shaking Hands Burr
A 6 piece board burr in the shape of “shaking hands” with two closed loop pieces. Level 14.4.2, feels a little harder due to the confusing nature of the moves, but this would not be classified as a difficult burr by most. I was able to disassemble it by hand, but used BurrTools for the reassembly.
1 bid
JerryLoo 43
Internal Combustion
Puzzle is in good working condition and all the pieces slide smoothly. This is an interlocking burr made from aluminium.This copy is from PuzzleMaster of Canada.Cosmetically there are some scuffs and scratches here and there, and one of the burr pieces has a chip on the edge (see photo)
21 bids
arcinue 24
Looped Burr - Constrained Burr series (part 4 of 4)
This listing is for the Looped Burr, which is the fourth of a 4-part set of Constrained Burrs designed by Logan
Kleinwaks. Get the other 3 puzzles—also up for sale in this auction—to complete
the set!Below are additional details from Cubic Dissection:RELEASED:5.27.2013PRODUCED:40 CopiesDESIGNER:Logan KleinwaksCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut and Ash Cages, Cherry or Holly or Maple piecesCOMMENTS:When Logan sent me the first puzzle in this series, the Bookend puzzle, I was very impresse...
5 bids
arcinue 24
Convolution - Josef Pelikan
Coffin's Convolution design (#30). Seven pieces fit together into a solid
4x4x4 block with the same symmetrical pattern on all sides. Assembly/disassembly
requires an unexpected move. A great, fun piece that displays beautifully in any puzzle collection!This particular piece—masterfully crafted by Josef
Pelikan in 2005—is made of mahogany and ash.
1 bid
Pottypuzzles 28
Eight is Enough
A six piece burr designed by Bill Cutler and made by Jerry McFarland.Used as an IPP29 exchange by Bill, this puzzle is in excellent condition, with a good tight fit.3 colours of wood used
5 bids
Pottypuzzles 28
Anipuzzle - polar bear
A Kumiki style puzzle made by AniPuzzle. This is made form some kind of hard plastic.The cube in the picture is a 1 inch cube for size comparison.
1 bid
tomjolly 119
Threaded Cube - Brian Menold/Tom Jolly
This is a nicely built copy of Threaded Cube, made (I believe) in purpleheart by Brian Menold, designed by Tom Jolly. While it looks like "just another cube," the last two pieces come apart in a most interesting way (I was trying to maximize the number of rotations required).
25 bids
tomjolly 119
Enigma - Gonsalves/Pelikan
Enigma, designed by Gonsalves, made by Pelikan. Bought in 2009. Weighs 7.5 oz before packing.
3 bids
tomjolly 119
Irene Alternative - Ken Irvine, Pelikan
Irene Alternative, designed by Ken Irvine, made by Pelikan.
19 bids
tomjolly 119
Burr Circus, Stewart Coffin #116. Made by Allen Rolfs
Burr Circus, Stewart Coffin #116. Made by Allen Rolfs. This is a 3.4 burr, skewed. Rolfs has engraved his name on the end of one of the pieces. This was an IPP29 exchange puzzle.
23 bids
GeorgeBell 63
Spotted Cube
An 8-piece pinned cube, very nicely made by Ken Ewers. IPP32 exchange puzzle, includes solution.
19 bids
Arc Light 47
PROFESSIONAL PUZZLE BURR SETThis burr set was created by the Yamanaka Kumiki Works group. The 12 piece burr set can create 4 distinct burr puzzles. A solution is provided for one of the burr puzzles, but it's up to the solver to discover the other sets.Shipping can be calculated at auction close, so please allow time for that before sending payment. Buyer is responsible for PayPal fees. If you have any questions just send me an email. Many thanks!
15 bids