tomjolly 119
Cubic Burr II, design Tom Jolly, made by Eric Fuller
Cubic Burr II, design Tom Jolly, made by Eric Fuller. Level 5.8.8 (orthogonal... I found that there is a rotation you can make on the second/third pieces that reduces the move-count to, I believe, a 5.7.1). Weight is 12 oz with packaging, so shipping outside the US is $22.50, less for Canada.
1 bid
dickerdixon 230
Two pairs of identical pieces in a cage, level 10,3,2, by the great Bram Cohen.
3 bids
dickerdixon 230
Partners Cube
12 pieces, divided into 2 groups of 6, form 2 simultaneous 3x3x3 burrs
that must both fit into the frame. In original packaging with instructions.
IPP-27 exchange puzzle from Takeyuki Endo. A little Renaissance Wax polish has enhanced the look and feel of the five woods.
3 bids
RonZezima 39
Roman One
Roman One Interlocking Wood Burr by Stephan Baumegger. A fun puzzle requiring many moves for disassembly. Buyer to pay shipping and Paypal or Western Union fees. Thank you. On Jun. 08, 2016 13:47:07, the following description has been added:The designer, Stephan Baumegger, just messaged me to say: "the woods I have used are: Tigerwood, Zebrano and Palisander. Palisander is very expensive, costs €17.000,- /m³ Would be good to give this info. Best, Stephan"Thank you that information!
5 bids
Steve 149
Octahedron Puzzle - Made by Tom Lensch
Octahedron Puzzle Design by George Bell made by Tom Lensch.Four pieces form an octahedron.I am selling this puzzle as it is a duplicate in my collection. I have the second because I forgot I already owned the first copy and bought another. Not sure if this was down tp increasing age. Or alcohol. Or both.Shipping will be from the UK and will be charged at cost - happy to
deliver by hand to either Camden, MPP or IPP Puzzle Parties.
13 bids
pucu 125
Cross Bones
I will combine shipping costShipping cost < 500 gramm is 6.20 Euro
9 bids
pucu 125
Mixed Plate Burr
I will combine shipping costShipping cost < 500 gramm is 6.20 Euro
5 bids
pucu 125
9 BOARDS BURR 7 x 7 x7
I will combine shipping costShipping cost < 500 gramm is 6.20 Euro
5 bids
pucu 125
The Kray T Wins
Nice interlocking puzzleI will combine shipping costShipping cost < 500 gramm is 6.20 Euro
1 bid
DerekBosch 159
Shake Something - Dan Fast
from eric:Dan is a new designer and brought a fresh idea to the table with Shake Something. This level 14 packing puzzle uses four burr pieces in a box and is anything but simple. The name comes from the fact that you have to turn the box various directions and shake it to accomplish some of the moves. While all the pieces are visible, many of the underlaying interactions are not, so this is a much trickier puzzle than the piece count would lead you to believe. This is a very fun puzzle, and rem...
11 bids
DerekBosch 159
Packira - Tamas Vanya
from eric:This is a very unique and fun puzzle, and probably my favorite design of the update. The box captures six sliders which move around to form an evolving maze for the four identical pieces to maneuver. Moderate in difficulty but over the top in enjoyment! If you haven't noticed I really liked this one, assembling them all was actually a pleasure.The construction of this puzzle is excellent, with a perfect fit and very labor intensive joinery and design. While fairly simple looking, it to...
19 bids
DerekBosch 159
Twin Board Burr - Rene Dawir
This was Rene's exchange puzzle at IPP34 (London).I don't know the exact level of this puzzle, but it is NOT an easy puzzleI'm selling these puzzles to fund future puzzle-making equipment, and of course to buy morepuzzles :)buyer is responsible for money transfer fees (ie 3.5% for paypal), packing and shipping expenses...
7 bids
DerekBosch 159
IPP Burr Puzzle - Marcel Gillen
This was Marcel's exchange puzzle at IPP34 (London).I don't know the exact level of this puzzle, but it is NOT an easy puzzle.Challenge is to disassemble and reassemble the puzzle so the "IPP" are solid colorsI'm selling these puzzles to fund future puzzle-making equipment, and of course to buy morepuzzles :)buyer is responsible for money transfer fees (ie 3.5% for paypal), packing and shipping expenses...
1 bid
dickerdixon 230
The Core
Great Demirhan puzzle made by Eric Fuller from sapele and exquisite cocobolo pieces.
33 bids
Arc Light 47
4 BURRS BY THE YAMANAKA KUMIKI WORKSThis set contains 4 coloured burr puzzles crafted by the Yamanaka Kumiki Works group. Each burr puzzle comes with a photo illustration showing the correct placement of the burr pieces.Shipping can be calculated at auction close, so please allow time for that before sending payment. Buyer is responsible for PayPal fees. If you have any questions just send me an email. Many thanks!
23 bids
arcinue 24
Twelve Point - Stewart Coffin
Original Stewart
Coffin Twelve Point puzzle (STC #33). Inscribed "STC, 1981".Six dissimilar pieces with unique assembly. Made from cherry and gaboon ebony. One tip is slightly chipped (see photo).
15 bids
dickerdixon 230
A Stewart Coffin classic made by one of the finest, Mark McCallum.
17 bids
dickerdixon 230
Star Of David
Classic Stewart Coffin made by one of the finest, Mark McCallum.
25 bids
GeorgeBell 63
U'y Octahedron
Four pieces can be interlocked into an octahedron. This assembly is rather surprising, and holds together well. Assembly should require coordinate motion, although there is enough flex in the pieces that it is not required.
21 bids