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RELEASED:11.29.2012PRODUCED:38 CopiesDESIGNER:Osanori YamamotoCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut / Mora / WengeCOMMENTS:This tricky puzzle by Osanori has an interesting appearance as well as an interesting solution. The two halves of the frame create a maze internally which changes state as you slide the pieces back and forth. The internal pieces dance around, moving in and out and about each other until finally they (hopefully) find their final resting spot with a symmetrical solution. Given ...
USD 66.01
20 bids
Account Deleted
Bookend Burr
RELEASED:5.27.2013PRODUCED:40 CopiesDESIGNER:Logan KleinwaksCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut and Ash Cages, Cherry or Holly or Maple piecesCOMMENTS:When Logan sent me the first puzzle in this series, the Bookend puzzle, I was very impressed. The concept was interesting, the solution tricky, and of course the finished puzzle displayed very nicely. He then followed it up with three more complimentary designs, each with a unique solution. I knew immediately I wanted to make them, and so now I'm...
USD 81.23
24 bids
Account Deleted
Cornered Burr
RELEASED:5.27.2013PRODUCED:40 CopiesDESIGNER:Logan KleinwaksCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut and Ash Cages, Cherry or Holly or Maple piecesCOMMENTS:When Logan sent me the first puzzle in this series, the Bookend puzzle, I was very impressed. The concept was interesting, the solution tricky, and of course the finished puzzle displayed very nicely. He then followed it up with three more complimentary designs, each with a unique solution. I knew immediately I wanted to make them, and so now I'm...
USD 76.00
25 bids
Account Deleted
RELEASED:5.27.2013PRODUCED:42 CopiesDESIGNER:Logan KleinwaksCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut, Maple, CherryCOMMENTS:f you like solving one six piece burr, how about two at the same time! With a difficult level 18.6.3 solution, this puzzle is not for lightweights! Tricky and entertaining, and displays very well once solved. Three different woods used for aesthetics and also to give the solver a chance (this puzzle would be exponentially more difficult in solid wood). Logan also designed a fou...
USD 150.00
20 bids
Account Deleted
The Core
RELEASED:2.13.2013PRODUCED:40 CopiesDESIGNER:Yavuz DemirhanCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Sapele / CocoboloCOMMENTS:When I saw this design (along with "Begonia") I knew immediately I wanted to make it. Blurring the line between a packing puzzle and an interlocking puzzle, the goal is to construct the 3x3 cube inside the box. Tougher than you might imagine since the opening is only 2x2. The solver must figure out the proper piece orientation as well as the order of insertion. Tricky but not insane...
USD 295.00
43 bids
Account Deleted
Chicken Puzzle
RELEASED:4.15.2015PRODUCED:38 CopiesDESIGNER:Olexandre KapkanCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Yellowheart, CherryCOMMENTS:This is probably my favorite puzzle of the update, and I spent a lot of extra time and attention on it. It's whimsical for sure, but still an impressive level 10 solution. The Yellowheart and Cherry offset each other for that pleasing chicken look without all the annoying chicken poop everywhere. Or do they?I'm very proud of the construction techniques used in this puzzle. The Y...
USD 121.00
24 bids
Account Deleted
Double Cross
RELEASED:3.27.2013PRODUCED:54 CopiesDESIGNER:Stewart CoffinCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Oak and WalnutCOMMENTS:Double Cross was Tom Rodgers exchange puzzle at IPP 29 in San Francisco. Designated #240 by Stewart Coffin, it looks fairly simple with six thicker sticks intersected by six thinner sticks. Solving it is anything but, as the angles are very confusing and you always end up with that one piece that won't fit. I'm delighted with this puzzle, it's a heck of a lot of fun. Difficult enough t...
USD 48.76
21 bids
M.McCallum 10
Four Corners No. 3, STC#6
Stewart Coffin's Four Corners Puzzle (STC #6), made of Canarywood, Yellowheart, Chakte Viga, and Peruvian Walnut. Centers made from Royal Mexican Ebony (Katalox). Each puzzle piece consists of a six sided center block and with a prism block attached to each end. The prism blocks are in four contrasting fancy woods, combined in all 6 possible permutations. Different coloring patterns are possible in the assembled puzzle. Signed on the inside of the puzzle by me.Buyer will be expected to pay...
53 bids
Gregory 68
NOS 3 Round Trip (Orange)
one of my test using 3D printing for the NOS series.NOS 3 ROUND TRIP
This edition has a very good fitting. This version is "full of powder", more heavy.
With a level : Coordinated motion required.Eric said about this
one :
Trip is the third of the NOS designs and is very tricky both to
disassemble and reassemble. It has a level solution, and
requires coordinate motion. The first move will very much surprise
7 bids
Gregory 68
NOS 1 Compressed (dark Green)
one of my test using 3D printing for the NOS series.NOS 1 COMPRESSED
This edition has a good fitting. This version is "full of powder", more heavy.
With a level : 2.2 Coordinated motion required.Eric said about this
one :
is the first of the NOS designs. It's very tricky to disassemble and
uses some rather extraordinary coordinate motion. Reassembly is also
difficult, and has a mild dexterity component. Two sets of three
identical pieces move in ways you...
7 bids
M.McCallum 10
Four Corners No. 1, STC#6
Stewart Coffin's Four Corners Puzzle (STC #6), made of Ebony, Ziricote, Black and White Ebony, and Spalted Tamarind. Centers made from Ziricote. Each puzzle piece consists of a six sided center block and with a prism block attached to each end. The prism blocks are in four contrasting fancy woods, combined in all 6 possible permutations. Different coloring patterns are possible in the assembled puzzle. Signed on the inside of the puzzle by me.Buyer will be expected to pay the PayPal fees i...
21 bids
M.McCallum 10
Victor Puzzle STC-201
Victor Puzzle STC #201, made of curly maple external and internal of cherry, lacquer and wax finish. Same external shape as Fancy This, but this tricky puzzle involves coordinate motion of all 6 dissimilar non-symmetrical pieces. Getting your fingers in the correct locations to initiate disassembly is very tricky. Solution included, but there is no assembly jig for this coordinate motion puzzle. Second photo shows it coming apart, just before it completely disassembles.Puzzle has my signatu...
27 bids
dickerdixon 230
12-piece Separation
Ten identical pieces and two modified pieces serially interlock.
21 bids
M.McCallum 10
Rosebud Cherry & Macassar Ebony, STC #39
Stewart Coffin's well known Rosebud Puzzle (STC #39), made of Cherry and
Macassar Ebony, with a lacquer and wax finish. Two kinds of pieces, 3
of each must be manipulated in coordinate motion to assemble/disassemble
the puzzle. An assembly jig (not photographed) is also included with
this auction.Signed on the inside of the puzzle by me.Buyer will be expected to pay the PayPal fees if PayPal is the expected payment method.
25 bids
Gregory 68
GLUED (rosewood)
It's one of the last Glued I had from my first sale in 2012.(Those puzzles are in a avarage quality)
This edition is in rosewoodThis is a tricky but not too difficult puzzle.Buyer pays for the shipping and the Paypal fees.I will recalculate the shipping cost if the same winner wins several items.
5 bids
Gregory 68
NOS 1 Compressed (Blue)
one of my test using 3D printing for the NOS series.NOS
This edition has a good fitting
With a level : 2.2 Coordinated motion required.Eric said about this
one :"Compressed is the first of the
NOS designs. It's very tricky to disassemble and uses some rather
extraordinary coordinate motion. Reassembly is also difficult, and
has a mild dexterity component. Two sets of three identical pieces
move in ways you just don't expect. I like this one a lot!Nota
Bene :There
7 bids
Gregory 68
NOS 3 Round Trip (Blue)
one of my test using 3D printing for the NOS series.NOS 3 ROUND TRIP
This edition has a good fittingWith a level : Coordinated motion required.Nota
Bene :There is a lot of after work, and the result is too incertain to offer it
in my shapeways shop in direct sale.
I will make a run with NOS 6 and 7 in the future.Buyer pays for the shipping and the Paypal fees.I will recalculate the shipping cost if the same winner wins several items.
7 bids
M.McCallum 10
Meteor STC #100A
Stewart Coffin's Meteor Puzzle (STC 100A) made of Mexican Cocobolo, a true rosewood. Meteor is a 12 piece puzzle. It is a derivative of the Hectix puzzle. Seven pieces are the same with a trapezoidal base, a center pyramid, and two truncated tetrahedra. Three pieces are missing the center pyramid, one piece is missing a tetrahedron, while one more is augmented with that missing tetrahedron. This puzzle was held back from sale on the cubicdissection website several years ago. Signed by me o...
5 bids
M.McCallum 10
Triumph STC #15
Stewart Coffin's Triumph puzzle (STC#15) made of Curly Maple, Black and White 'Spotted' Ebony, and Gaboon Ebony. Made of six pieces, each piece is made of two contrasting woods, which introduces color symmetry in the puzzle solutions. Three different symmetrical polyhedral shapes are possible, each with two color symmetries. Signed by me on the interior of the puzzle.Buyer is expected to pay the PayPal fees if PayPal is chosen as the payment method.
15 bids
Gregory 68
The Clive cube
This is the clive cube by Simon Nightingale.This version of this puzzle is a part of the "Fabbri Collection".Here the description and the solution : waxed the puzzle for a better finish.Description and solution provided in FrenchBuyer pays for the shipping and the Paypal fees.I will recalculate the shipping cost if the same winner wins several items.
9 bids