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RELEASED:2.17.2016PRODUCED:62 CopiesDESIGNER:Gregory BenedettiCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:PurpleheartCOMMENTS:With the invention of the NOS (New Old School) puzzle series, Gregory took the six piece burr format and turned it on its head. The only thing more noteworthy than the uniqueness of the series was how difficult they are to make. When he sent me the plans for them a year ago, I turned him down because it just looked like a nightmare to manufacture. I wasn't wrong...BUT...Gregory came up...
USD 85.00
29 bids
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Looped Burr
RELEASED:5.27.2013PRODUCED:40 CopiesDESIGNER:Logan KleinwaksCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut and Ash Cages, Cherry or Holly or Maple piecesCOMMENTS:When Logan sent me the first puzzle in this series, the Bookend puzzle, I was very impressed. The concept was interesting, the solution tricky, and of course the finished puzzle displayed very nicely. He then followed it up with three more complimentary designs, each with a unique solution. I knew immediately I wanted to make them, and so now I'm...
USD 152.00
32 bids
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Welded Burr copy 2
RELEASED:5.14.2014PRODUCED:42 CopiesDESIGNER:William HuCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:AformosaCOMMENTS:This deceptive puzzle looks like a standard six piece burr, but is in fact a three piece burr with tricks up it's sleeve. Each piece is made up of two standard burr pieces "welded" together. Modest in difficulty this is nonetheless an interesting idea and a worthwhile addition to any collectors shelves. The level 4.2 solution makes it appropriate for newer puzzlers.Fit is precise; may be tight i...
USD 80.00
39 bids
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Double Slideways copy 2
RELEASED:8.14.2014PRODUCED:47 CopiesDESIGNER:Ray StantonCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut, Maple, SapeleCOMMENTS:Ray took the Slideways design and went a lot further down the road with his Double Slideways design! With two sets of three identical notchable pieces, it's very tricky and confusing to solve. This was Rays exchange puzzle for IPP this year and from what I hear it was very well received. A limited number have been finished and prepared for sale here; when they're gone they're gone!...
USD 75.00
28 bids
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Bundle of Sticks
RELEASED:4.15.2015PRODUCED:44 CopiesDESIGNER:Tom JollyCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Wenge, HollyCOMMENTS:Another brilliant Jolly design. Bundle of Sticks is very non-traditional in appearance, and a lot of fun to solve. One stick comes out easily enough. The other three create a set of gates which must be maneuvered before the puzzle can be filly disassembled into its five pieces. The solution is a unique level 13.6! Once solved, this puzzle displays very nicely given the extraordinary contrast ...
USD 125.00
34 bids
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RELEASED:11.3.2015PRODUCED:25 CopiesDESIGNER:Yavuz DemirhanCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut, Maple, CherryCOMMENTS:his puzzle was my exchange gift at IPP this year. Designed by Yavuz, it's a simple but fun interlocking distraction, with a level solution. Please note that this puzzle is not laquered, but has a natural wood finish.The construction of this puzzle is very good, with a reinforced frame and a snug fit. It may be a bit tight in very high humidity situations.25 copies made f...
USD 76.00
37 bids
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Odd One Out
RELEASED:11.3.2015PRODUCED:25 CopiesDESIGNER:Tim AlkemaCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Birds Eye Maple, Walnut, Maple, PaduakCOMMENTS:this one! The solution is not super difficult, but it's a lot of fun and a very satisfying quick little distraction.The construction of this puzzle is very very nice; I'm particulary happy with how it turned out. The birds eye maple box is beautiful and strong, with shouldered joints and a floating bottom.25 copies made for sale, each signed and dated. This puzzle i...
USD 71.00
32 bids
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Two Halves Cage 3BB
RELEASED:10.2.2012PRODUCED:30 CopiesDESIGNER:Gregory BenedettiCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Ash / MoraCOMMENTS:This is a nifty little puzzle. Not too tough, but fun to solve and it looks good displayed. I thought the idea was interesting, and there is a "big brother" version with the 2 cage pieces wrapped around a six piece burr that I plan to follow this up with.Construction is robust, with each joint reinforced by a small .05 shoulder. More work to make this than it looks like - it wasn't just...
USD 100.00
30 bids
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Ring Lock
RELEASED:5.14.2014PRODUCED:39 CopiesDESIGNER:William HuCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Paduak, Maple, Walnut, Leopardwood, Yellowheart, PurpleheartCOMMENTS:William brough two fresh ideas to the table for this update...the Two Wheeled Cube and this one, the "Ring Lock". The goal is to make a 5x5x3 assembly. While the level solution isn't very high, the rotation involved is very tricky and unlike any I have seen before. Once the puzzler starts solving it it becomes clear that most of the p...
USD 191.00
39 bids
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Pair Dance
RELEASED:11.27.2013PRODUCED:40 CopiesDESIGNER:Osanori YamamotoCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut / Imbuya or Jatoba/PurpleheartCOMMENTS:Pair Dance is a fun little distraction with a level 14 solution. It's not nearly as difficult as that may sound since there are only two pieces. Approachable and interesting, I'm glad I made this little gem!Each puzzle is made of solid exotic woods, beveled and finished. Fit is just right, not too tight nor loose.40 copies made for sale, each signed and dated....
USD 66.00
32 bids
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RELEASED:8.14.2014PRODUCED:42 CopiesDESIGNER:William HuCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:White Oak, Chakte Viga / WalnutCOMMENTS:This seemingly simple puzzle uses a very interesting and difficult type of rotation. Ultra tricky and not like anything I've tried before. Level nine and out, this one will have you pulling your hair out! Construction was tricky...the solid side spine and endgrain key pieces were fun to make, but very labor intensive. Fit is excellent; may be difficult to solve...
USD 128.00
36 bids
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Unique Level 4.6
RELEASED:3.27.2013PRODUCED:35 CopiesDESIGNER:Ishino KeiichiroCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:PaduakCOMMENTS:I had not made a standard six piece burr in a long time, and was feeling the urge. But which to make? So many good candidates out there. I knew I had to choose one that most of my customers did not have, but I also wanted to pick one that was fairly complex and interesting. While shopping around I came across Ishino's Unique 4.6 Moves design, and I knew I had a winner. Notchable and with a s...
USD 191.00
43 bids
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RELEASED:12.16.2015PRODUCED:55 CopiesDESIGNER:Gregory BenedettiCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:MapleCOMMENTS:With the invention of the NOS (New Old School) puzzle series, Gregory took the six piece burr format and turned it on its head. The only thing more noteworthy than the uniqueness of the series was how difficult they are to make. When he sent me the plans for them a year ago, I turned him down because it just looked like a nightmare to manufacture. I wasn't wrong...BUT...Gregory came up to m...
USD 181.00
43 bids
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Visible Burr
RELEASED:4.15.2015PRODUCED:40 CopiesDESIGNER:Bill CutlerCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Canarywood, Purpleheart, PaduakCOMMENTS:Another classic Cutler burr, I chose to interpret this one with more colorful woods than the usual cherry/walnut/maple. The size is also a bit smaller so it doesn't crowd your shelves.Here is what Bill has to say about the Visible Burr design: I like to design burrs which are difficult to take apart. This requires irregular notches in the pieces, and I usually like to hid...
USD 251.00
49 bids
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Ternary Burr
RELEASED:9.20.2013PRODUCED:38 CopiesDESIGNER:Goh Pit KhiamCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Cherry, WalnutCOMMENTS:This puzzle is a groundbreaking and highly anticipated design. Only 30 copies have ever been made in the past, and Brian at Mr. Puzzle sold them out very quicky. The Ternary burr consists of 22 pieces, with over 90 notches and and grooves. The unique solution requires 75 moves to get the first piece out, and over 90 moves to completely disassemble the puzzle. A very difficult work of ar...
USD 500.00
39 bids
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One Hole
RELEASED:11.3.2015PRODUCED:41 CopiesDESIGNER:Bram CohenCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Ash and SheduaCOMMENTS:I haven't made any of Bram's designs in a while, but this one caught my eye. A simple box with simple pieces that is anything but simple to solve. The interlocking solution is a unique level which if you're a nerd like me is kind of amusing. There's plenty of room in the box, and with over 40k solutions but only one assemblable, you'll soon be cursing Bram's name. Just remember t...
USD 180.00
44 bids
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Six Stick Burr
RELEASED:8.14.2014PRODUCED:37 CopiesDESIGNER:William HuCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:RosewoodCOMMENTS:Another brilliant design from Hu that's not what it seems. This six piece puzzle is actually a level 4.2 masterpiece which uses pins, holes and notches to move a lot more than you would expect. Moderate in difficulty; high in entertainment value! This is a very unique and deceptive design.Fit is superlative! May be difficult to solve in highly humid environments due to the very close tolerances ...
USD 130.00
24 bids
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Two Wheeled Cube
RELEASED:5.14.2014PRODUCED:42 CopiesDESIGNER:William HuCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Paduak, BubingaCOMMENTS:Every time I think I've seen it all when it comes to 4x4 cubes, someone proves me wrong. In thie case it's Mr. Hu with his excellent "Two Wheeled Cube" design. with an odd level solution, this puzzle is moderate in difficulty but very high on the fun factor. The first four pieces form a shell around the heart of the puzzle; two identical "wheels" which rotate and dance around ea...
USD 201.00
36 bids
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RELEASED:2.17.2016PRODUCED:40 CopiesDESIGNER:Ken IrvineCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Purpleheart / MapleCOMMENTS:Trifecta was Ken's entry for the 2015 IPP design competition. It's a lot of fun, with two different goals: three copies of three different types of pieces assemble to form the given configuration, both with and without the optional three-cube bonus piece. There is a fair amount of confusing movement with disassembly, and reassembly is moderately difficult but a lot of fun. This is a s...
USD 132.00
40 bids
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Helix the Burr
RELEASED:6.18.2015PRODUCED:40 CopiesDESIGNER:Bill CutlerCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Maple, BubingaCOMMENTS:Helix the Burr is one of Bill's most interesting designs. Meant to be difficult to take apart, it's VERY VERY true to form. Disassembly is chaotic and unexpected. This is a landmark design in my opinion, and I was thrilled to make it simply because I had always wanted a copy for my collection. Bill has this to say about it: "This burr features the most interesting disassembly sequence tha...
USD 164.00
23 bids