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Five Piece Cluster (Copy #1)
RELEASED:4.15.2015PRODUCED:41 CopiesDESIGNER:Stewart CoffinCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Ash, LacewoodCOMMENTS:Ages ago I made a small batch of RD puzzles using octahedral clusters. I never did make the best of Coffin's design though, the Five Piece version, so I thought I'd whip up a batch after having so much fun with the Pyracubes. Five Piece Cluster has four dissimilar non-symmetrical pieces and a fifth key piece that is a single block. The serially interlocking solution is very tricky!The c...
USD 70.00
24 bids
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Strap (Normal Copy)
RELEASED:2.3.2017PRODUCED:43 CopiesDESIGNER:Émil ÁskerliCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Maple, MahoganyCOMMENTS:Strap is (in my mind) an interesting successor to Alkema's Clamp puzzle. The two pieces are filled by four cubes which can manuever internally. The solution is tricky and non-intuitive...all pieces are accessable so there is no need for gravity shifting. There is a rotation shortcut which is quite apparent with disassembly but not at all apparent during assembly, which is nice in my bo...
USD 76.00
26 bids
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Camouflaged Burr
RELEASED:7.21.2016PRODUCED:43 CopiesDESIGNER:Emil AskerliCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Cherry, WalnutCOMMENTS:I had already chosen the puzzles for the next update when Emil posted the Disguised and Camouflaged burr designs. I immediately contacted him for permission and squeezed them into the schedule because I thought the idea was so unique. Take a regular six piece burr but chop a piece or two in half and secure them. BOOM, now you have a traditional looking six piece burr puzzle that behaves ...
USD 56.31
27 bids
saul 13
Double UT
3-piece level 16.5 puzzle. For more info:
USD 24.00
10 bids
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Double Cross
PLEASE NOTE that this is a special version with white oak large sticks and maple small sticks; so basicaly the inverse color scheme as shown in the picture. Very few copies made.RELEASED:3.27.2013PRODUCED:54 CopiesDESIGNER:Stewart CoffinCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:White Oak and WalnutCOMMENTS:Double Cross was Tom Rodgers exchange puzzle at IPP 29 in San Francisco. Designated #240 by Stewart Coffin, it looks fairly simple with six thicker sticks intersected by six thinner sticks. Solving it i...
USD 35.50
13 bids
saul 13
Don's Dilemma
An eight-piece 4x4x4 cube from mathematician Don Kuchen. His first puzzle.
USD 45.00
6 bids
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Theta (Special Mixed Wood Copy)
PLEASE NOTE that this is an unusual copy of this puzzle with mixed wood internal pieces instead of purpleheart, which is not reflected in the pictures below. I only made a one copy like this and it looks very cool.RELEASED:4.21.2016PRODUCED:48 CopiesDESIGNER:Jerry LooCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Maple and mixed wood piecesCOMMENTS:Made in the same fashion (and intended as a companion to) 2014's "Rail Box", Nine Theta takes the same piston concept even further down the road. While the solution...
USD 41.00
16 bids
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Noncsi (Special Rosewood Version, Copy #2)
Please note that the dark wood in this copy is rosewood, only a couple were made like that.
RELEASED:9.20.2013PRODUCED:44 CopiesDESIGNER:Tamas VanyoCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Carolina Ash, RosewoodCOMMENTS:As soon as I saw this design I knew I had to make it. It was a lot of work and frankly I'm not charging as much as I should for it, but it's such a cool puzzle I have no regrets. The eight pieces pack into the oddly shaped frame only one way and in one very specific order. A fair amoun...
USD 95.00
27 bids
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Padlock Burr (Copy #1)
RELEASED:4.21.2016PRODUCED:43 CopiesDESIGNER:Tim AlkemaCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Sappy Cherry and MarblewoodCOMMENTS:I've seen several designs lately with burr puzzles conspiring to look like other objects...a sword, an elephant...some weirdo even made one that looked like a chicken! But in my mind, none is as apropos as a padlock, so I jumped on the chance to make the Padlock Burr when it came around. Six mostly standard looking pieces interlock within the lock base for a unique and quite t...
USD 77.28
15 bids
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Padlock Burr (Copy #3)
RELEASED:4.21.2016PRODUCED:43 CopiesDESIGNER:Tim AlkemaCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Sappy Cherry and MarblewoodCOMMENTS:I've seen several designs lately with burr puzzles conspiring to look like other objects...a sword, an elephant...some weirdo even made one that looked like a chicken! But in my mind, none is as apropos as a padlock, so I jumped on the chance to make the Padlock Burr when it came around. Six mostly standard looking pieces interlock within the lock base for a unique and quite t...
USD 67.33
15 bids
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Fusion (Copy #1)
RELEASED:5.27.2013PRODUCED:42 CopiesDESIGNER:Logan KleinwaksCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut, Maple, CherryCOMMENTS:f you like solving one six piece burr, how about two at the same time! With a difficult level 18.6.3 solution, this puzzle is not for lightweights! Tricky and entertaining, and displays very well once solved. Three different woods used for aesthetics and also to give the solver a chance (this puzzle would be exponentially more difficult in solid wood). Logan also designed a fou...
USD 67.28
15 bids
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Fusion (Copy #2)
RELEASED:5.27.2013PRODUCED:42 CopiesDESIGNER:Logan KleinwaksCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut, Maple, CherryCOMMENTS:f you like solving one six piece burr, how about two at the same time! With a difficult level 18.6.3 solution, this puzzle is not for lightweights! Tricky and entertaining, and displays very well once solved. Three different woods used for aesthetics and also to give the solver a chance (this puzzle would be exponentially more difficult in solid wood). Logan also designed a fou...
USD 61.00
22 bids
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Cold Fusion
RELEASED:7.26.2013PRODUCED:44 CopiesDESIGNER:Logan KleinwaksCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut, Maple, CherryCOMMENTS:If you liked solving two six piece burrs at the same time, how about four! With a very difficult level 18.6.8 solution, Cold Fusion steps it up a notch from the already difficult Fusion puzzle. Three different woods used for aesthetics and also to give the solver a chance (this puzzle would be exponentially more difficult in solid wood).This puzzle and its easier predecessor ki...
USD 80.00
11 bids
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Claw 3
RELEASED:11.27.2013PRODUCED:38 CopiesDESIGNER:Alfons EyckmansCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Canarywood or Grandillo / SapeleCOMMENTS:The interlocking puzzles I chose to make this update mostly have one thing in common; they have unusual shapes! Claw 3 is no exception. Three larger "claw" pieces wrap around a small 4x4 cube. This puzzle was tricky to make because of the number of units...I had to work with very small stock in order that the final result didn't turn out too large. It's a very trick...
USD 123.00
25 bids
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Happy New Year (Copy #1)
For some time I have been keeping 2-3 copies of each puzzle I make as insurance against a lost package or other problem. They have started accumulating, and I'm not interested in keeping them around. These listings are for those items.
For multiple items, combined shipping is available. Simply message me once you are finished bidding and I will send an invoice.
USD 50.11
17 bids
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Disguised Burr
RELEASED:6.23.2016PRODUCED:49 CopiesDESIGNER:Email AskerliCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Cherry, WalnutCOMMENTS:I had already chosen the puzzles for the next update when Emil posted the Disguised and Camouflaged burr designs. I immediately contacted him for permission and squeezed them into the schedule because I thought the idea was so unique. Take a regular six piece burr but chop a piece or two in half and secure them. BOOM, now you have a traditional looking six piece burr puzzle that behaves...
USD 48.00
23 bids
saul 13
3 Sticks Puzzle
6-piece coordinate motion puzzle that assembles to create a final shape with "3 sticks". This was very difficult to photograph due to the angles on the puzzle, so I have included several photos, including of the pieces. The last photo shows the name of the puzzle on the inside of one of the pieces, followed by a number and the name of the craftsman, but I cannot make them out. Fit is quite loose, otherwise no issues.
USD 160.00
10 bids
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Strap (Hybrid Copy)
This copy has one Maple half and one Mahogany half for a very nice contrast (which is not reflected in the pictures below). Only a couple copies like this were made.RELEASED:2.3.2017PRODUCED:43 CopiesDESIGNER:Émil ÁskerliCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Maple, MahoganyCOMMENTS:Strap is (in my mind) an interesting successor to Alkema's Clamp puzzle. The two pieces are filled by four cubes which can manuever internally. The solution is tricky and non-intuitive...all pieces are accessable so there...
USD 76.00
31 bids