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Gobi (Copy #3)
RELEASED:11.21.2014PRODUCED:40 CopiesDESIGNER:Alfons EyckmansCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Cherry, Walnut, Maple, Zebrawood, HollyCOMMENTS:Recently there have been a spate of 18 piece designs using 2x3 stick size. All of them were interesting, and I definitely wanted to make a representative puzzle from this style. It was difficult for me to pick one, but in the end the uniqueness of camel and rider locked inside the puzzle caught my eye.Goetz Schwandtner made himself a personal copy of this des...
USD 55.00
27 bids
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Visible Burr
RELEASED:4.15.2015PRODUCED:40 CopiesDESIGNER:Bill CutlerCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Canarywood, Purpleheart, PaduakCOMMENTS:Another classic Cutler burr, I chose to interpret this one with more colorful woods than the usual cherry/walnut/maple. The size is also a bit smaller so it doesn't crowd your shelves.Here is what Bill has to say about the Visible Burr design: I like to design burrs which are difficult to take apart. This requires irregular notches in the pieces, and I usually like to hid...
USD 120.00
17 bids
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Uri Three Bars (Special Mixed Woods; Copy #1)
PLEASE NOTE that this is a special copy made with entirely mixed woods which is not accurately reflected in the picture below. Only three such copies were made.
RELEASED:1.31.2015PRODUCED:38 CopiesDESIGNER:Dario UriCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Wenge, MapleCOMMENTS:Dario Uri is a new designer (to me at least). When I saw his Uri Three Bars design I knew immediately that I wanted to make it. Luckily Mr. Uri was happy to let me make a batch, so now you can get one too! This is a VERY unu...
USD 65.00
21 bids
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Uri Three Bars (Special Mixed Woods; Copy #2)
PLEASE NOTE that this is a special copy made with entirely mixed woods which is not accurately reflected in the picture below. Only three such copies were made.
RELEASED:1.31.2015PRODUCED:38 CopiesDESIGNER:Dario UriCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Wenge, MapleCOMMENTS:Dario Uri is a new designer (to me at least). When I saw his Uri Three Bars design I knew immediately that I wanted to make it. Luckily Mr. Uri was happy to let me make a batch, so now you can get one too! This is a VERY unu...
USD 65.00
26 bids
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Tulip (Copy #1)
RELEASED:11.3.2015PRODUCED:41 CopiesDESIGNER:Christoph LoheCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Cherry, PurpleheartCOMMENTS:This puzzle is more than just a pretty's also got a very interesting feature. Included with the six burr pieces is a small rectangular piece which can be added to the inside of the puzzle. Solved without the internal piece, Tulip has a level 16 solution. When the internal piece is added, the solution changes to a level 9.14...double the trouble for your money!The constr...
USD 46.00
24 bids
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Ternary Burr (Copy #2)
RELEASED:9.20.2013PRODUCED:38 CopiesDESIGNER:Goh Pit KhiamCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Cherry, WalnutCOMMENTS:This puzzle is a groundbreaking and highly anticipated design. Only 30 copies have ever been made in the past, and Brian at Mr. Puzzle sold them out very quicky. The Ternary burr consists of 22 pieces, with over 90 notches and and grooves. The unique solution requires 75 moves to get the first piece out, and over 90 moves to completely disassemble the puzzle. A very difficult work of ar...
USD 310.00
17 bids
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Kevin's Burr
RELEASED:5.27.2013PRODUCED:41 CopiesDESIGNER:Jose W. DiazCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut, Maple, CherryCOMMENTS:Designed for Kevin Sadler by Jose, this beautiful puzzle displays elegantly and is reminiscent of Bill Cutler's excellent work. While not a super high level puzzle, the shape is unusual and that adds to the complexity of solving it. I used three different woods which gives a significant clue to the solver in determining which piece goes on which axis. Given that I feel this is an ...
USD 66.00
21 bids
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La Taupe (Copy #2)
RELEASED:6.23.2016PRODUCED:50 CopiesDESIGNER:Alfons EyckmansCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Wenge, ZebrawoodCOMMENTS:La Taupe is a fairly simple puzzle with a level 9 solution but I found the shape and concept so interesting that I had to try making it. I'm glad I did, the solution is fun and more confusing than you might imagine with a mere five pieces. The contrast between the Wenge and Zebrawood is beautiful. This guy is a little gem!Construction of this puzzle is outstanding, with shouldered b...
USD 46.00
18 bids
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Rar (Copy #2)
RELEASED:6.23.2016PRODUCED:50 CopiesDESIGNER:Tamas VanyoCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Maple, Chakte-kokCOMMENTS:RAR! How could I not make a puzzle named after dinosaur sounds?! Seriously though, this is one of the most unique designs I've seen in a long while, and I predict it will sell out very quickly. An unusual seven pieces forms a very unusual L shaped burr with a unique level solution. The mechanics are odd and surprising...overall this is a super fun puzzle that will add a unique...
USD 55.00
17 bids
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RELEASED:8.24.2016PRODUCED:45 CopiesDESIGNER:Tim AlkemaCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Sapele, MapleCOMMENTS:Clamp is a very fun puzzle. When Tim originally sent it to me I didn't see the brilliance. After thinking about it I made up a prototype and immediately knew I wanted to offer it to my collectors. For such a simple assembly, it's surprisingly tricky to take apart! Sliding the halves back and forth and hearing the satisfying click of the magnets as they align the box is addicting. Careful or...
USD 70.00
14 bids
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Cobalt (Copy #1)
************************************Historically I have kept a 2-3 copies of each puzzle as insurance against a lost package or other issue. Over time they accumulated, and I prefer not to have that happen. Therefore I have been releasing them to the community over the last several months.This is the last batch of those "archived" puzzles - after this I will not have any left and will not be keeping any in reserve.For multiple items, combined shipping is available. Simply message me once you are...
USD 63.88
20 bids
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Inaccurate Burr (Maple version, Copy #1)
************************************Historically I have kept a 2-3 copies of each puzzle as insurance against a lost package or other issue. Over time they accumulated, and I prefer not to have that happen. Therefore I have been releasing them to the community over the last several months.This is the last batch of those "archived" puzzles - after this I will not have any left and will not be keeping any in reserve.For multiple items, combined shipping is available. Simply message me once you are...
USD 41.00
17 bids
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Event Horizon (Copy #1)
************************************Historically I have kept a 2-3 copies of each puzzle as insurance against a lost package or other issue. Over time they accumulated, and I prefer not to have that happen. Therefore I have been releasing them to the community over the last several months.This is the last batch of those "archived" puzzles - after this I will not have any left and will not be keeping any in reserve.For multiple items, combined shipping is available. Simply message me once you are...
USD 45.00
16 bids
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Boron (2014 Large Version)
RELEASED:11.21.2014PRODUCED:30 CopiesDESIGNER:Donald OsselaerCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Maple and Bubinga / Paduak / WalnutCOMMENTS:From time to time I like to make a "display" puzzle. Usually it's a little larger in format, sturdy, and not so difficult that a non-puzzler won't have a good time playing around with it. When I saw Donald's new "Boron" design I knew it was a great candidate. With a reasonable 5.4 solution, Boron is not necessarily trivial but also not mind-bendingly difficult. T...
USD 77.00
25 bids
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Tulip (Copy #2)
RELEASED:11.3.2015PRODUCED:41 CopiesDESIGNER:Christoph LoheCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Cherry, PurpleheartCOMMENTS:This puzzle is more than just a pretty's also got a very interesting feature. Included with the six burr pieces is a small rectangular piece which can be added to the inside of the puzzle. Solved without the internal piece, Tulip has a level 16 solution. When the internal piece is added, the solution changes to a level 9.14...double the trouble for your money!The constr...
USD 44.00
20 bids
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Five Piece Cluster (Copy #2)
RELEASED:4.15.2015PRODUCED:41 CopiesDESIGNER:Stewart CoffinCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Ash, LacewoodCOMMENTS:Ages ago I made a small batch of RD puzzles using octahedral clusters. I never did make the best of Coffin's design though, the Five Piece version, so I thought I'd whip up a batch after having so much fun with the Pyracubes. Five Piece Cluster has four dissimilar non-symmetrical pieces and a fifth key piece that is a single block. The serially interlocking solution is very tricky!The c...
USD 75.00
15 bids
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NOS 3 - Round Trip
RELEASED:12.16.2015PRODUCED:56 CopiesDESIGNER:Gregory BenedettiCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:PaduakCOMMENTS:With the invention of the NOS (New Old School) puzzle series, Gregory took the six piece burr format and turned it on its head. The only thing more noteworthy than the uniqueness of the series was how difficult they are to make. When he sent me the plans for them a year ago, I turned him down because it just looked like a nightmare to manufacture. I wasn't wrong...BUT...Gregory came up to ...
USD 215.00
19 bids
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Quadrant (Normal Copy)
RELEASED:11.3.2015PRODUCED:25 CopiesDESIGNER:Yavuz DemirhanCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Walnut, Maple, CherryCOMMENTS:his puzzle was my exchange gift at IPP this year. Designed by Yavuz, it's a simple but fun interlocking distraction, with a level solution. Please note that this puzzle is not laquered, but has a natural wood finish.The construction of this puzzle is very good, with a reinforced frame and a snug fit. It may be a bit tight in very high humidity situations.25 copies made f...
USD 41.11
13 bids
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Boron (Raleigh Puzzles Version; Special copies solid maple; copy #1)
PLEASE NOTE that this copy is a special copy which is all maple, and not reflected accurately in the pictures below.
RELEASED:11.21.2014PRODUCED:30 CopiesDESIGNER:Donald OsselaerCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Maple and Bubinga / Paduak / WalnutCOMMENTS:From time to time I like to make a "display" puzzle. Usually it's a little larger in format, sturdy, and not so difficult that a non-puzzler won't have a good time playing around with it. When I saw Donald's new "Boron" design I knew it was a ...
USD 57.28
10 bids
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Boron (Raleigh Puzzles Version; Special copies solid maple; copy #2)
PLEASE NOTE that this copy is a special copy which is all maple, and not reflected accurately in the pictures below.
RELEASED:11.21.2014PRODUCED:30 CopiesDESIGNER:Donald OsselaerCRAFTSMAN:Eric FullerMATERIAL:Maple and Bubinga / Paduak / WalnutCOMMENTS:From time to time I like to make a "display" puzzle. Usually it's a little larger in format, sturdy, and not so difficult that a non-puzzler won't have a good time playing around with it. When I saw Donald's new "Boron" design I knew it was a ...
USD 42.00
17 bids