gergo 203
Adam & Eve by George Miller
Adam & Eve brass disentanglement puzzledesigned and produced by Alan Rolfs, Tom Sun, George Millermaterials: brass, steel, glasscondition good, no remarksadditional information: puzzle was entered in the 2017 puzzle design competition:
USD 80.00
1 bid
HvdZon 144
The Squared Fish Puzzle (Exchange Puzzle IPP 31)
“The Squared Fish Puzzle”
puzzle is an exchange puzzle by Abraham Jacob for the International Puzzle Party
31 held in Berlin, Germany 2011
the cord from the metal frame = “Free the Squared Fish from the two-headed
Packaging: Cardboard boxPreliminary estimate of shipping
costs from the Netherlands.
from 0 - 10 kg approx $ 12.00
Europe 1: from
0 - 2 kg approx $ 21.00 to Belgium, De...
USD 20.00
1 bid
HvdZon 144
Gordian Cables (Exchange Puzzle IPP 28)
“Gordian Cables”
puzzle is an exchange puzzle by Kobus de Beer for the International Puzzle Party
28 held in Prague, Czech Republic 2008
Objective / Description:
Separate the thin continuously looped
cable (“cord”) from the craftily trapped double sliding knotted cables by
About The Puzzle:
See attached photo
Packaging: Zip lock bagPreliminary estimate of shipping
costs from the Netherlands.
USD 32.00
4 bids
YassCherry 58
Missyobako (Kohno Ichiro)
Missyobako made by Kohno Ichiro. the goal is to open the box , good luck .I can combine items if you are winning more than one of my listings.
If you have any question you can ask me.
USD 55.00
6 bids
TheRammer 29
Siamese Twins by Markku Vesala (IPP25 Helsinki Finland 2005)
Siamese Twins by Markku Vesala (IPP25 Helsinki Finland 2005)Wire puzzle disentanglement with wood bead designed and manufactured by Markku Vesala. Includes instruction sheet.Combined shipping total for all items going to the same address (regardless of number of items):USA = $15 via USPS Priority Mail (typically 3-4 business days),International = $45 via UPS Worldwide Expedited (typically 5-7 business days).
USD 21.00
3 bids
nalpak 192
Bits and Pieces Triple Tangle
Bits and Pieces Triple Tangle - appears brand new!
USD 30.00
1 bid
nalpak 192
Scissors Puzzle - Gold - Bits and Pieces - RARE
Instructions are in German
USD 50.00
1 bid
Mijkel1969 94
PENTAPARADOX, IPP28 (2008) exchange puzzle by Vladimir Krasnoukhov
Professor Krasnokov is famous in the puzzle world for, among other things, his vanishing area puzzles. PENTAPARADOX is one such puzzle, although admittedly, there seems to be a lot of area in which the twelfth pentomino can fit within the frame among the other eleven different pentominoes. HOWEVER, the contrast between the orientation of the pentomonoes in the solution relative to the starting state is fascinating. Professor Krasnoukhov is a perennial puzzle exchange participant, and PENTA...
USD 66.00
11 bids
JohnDevost 31
Toyo Glass Puzzle Bundle
I’m offering up these Toyo Glass puzzles below as a lot. They are all in new condition with original boxes, full colour brochure (showing entire line of puzzles) with order card and instruction sheet, with the exception of Cross Cross.Get the Rings:This particular puzzle is part of the Disentanglement series which has glass jar with a cord attached to them, along with two balls and a ring attached, bumping up the confusion even further.Get the Ball:This particular puzzle is part of the Dise...
USD 100.00
1 bid
JohnDevost 31
Cast Hanayama Puzzle Bundle
I have an assortment of Original/Early versions of Hanayama Cast puzzles to offer up as a lot. They are all in new condition with original packaging:Ring - Nobuyuki Yoshigahara - patent in 1887 by William DavidsonRing II - Jose Grant 2004Spiral - Kennet Walker exchanged by Harry Nelson IPP 23 2003 - unopened Elk - Nobuyuki Yoshigahara 1986Tails/Crab- Akio Yamamoto 1999 - Different packaging than normal cast puzzlesAmour - Akio Yamamoto 1991 - 2 different copies with different boxesShipp...
USD 50.00
1 bid
YassCherry 58
Shep MK I IPP 12 by James Dalgety
This puzzle was the gift from james dalgety at ipp 12 , 1992 The goal is to put the rope thought the loop .I can combine items if you are winning more than one of my listings.
If you have any question you can ask me.
USD 19.00
1 bid
tynods 193
Bundle of Sticks
Very unusual puzzle designed by Tom Jolly and made by Eric Fuller.Four sticks are tied together by a squared ring. The first one is easy to take out. The other ones will take more moves...Level 13.644 copies made (2015) the end of the auction the final shipping cost will be calculated.Besides PayPal, TransferWise payment solution is also an option.SEPA bank transfer is also accepted (EU countries) and free.
USD 177.80
13 bids
HvdZon 144
Penny-Farthing III (Exchange Puzzle IPP 25)
“Penny-Farthing III”
puzzle is a exchange puzzle by Lambert Bright for the International Puzzle Party
25 held in Helsinki, Finland 2005
Objective / Description
spokes so he can race again.
the puzzle:
1870, the fastest thing on two wheels was James Starley’s Penny-Farthing
bicycle. With a drive wheel of over 50 inches, it was also the highest thing on
two wheels, which is a problem for our racer, Spokes, who suffers from vertigo.
Spokes tied himsel...
USD 31.00
10 bids
Mijkel1969 94
Eye of the Needle IPP20 (2000) exchange puzzle by magician Wally Lee
Magician Wally Lee (Wallace J. Lee) attended several International Puzzle Parties, and was an aficionado on disentanglement puzzles. He worked professionally under the company name "Magic Box." "Eye of the Needle" was Wally's exchange puzzle at IPP20 held in Los Angeles in 2020. The object of the puzzle, of course, is to remove the ring.The puzzle is in it's original zip-lock plastic bag as presented at IPP20. Although it was not presented with instructions (It is obviously a disentangle...
USD 18.00
1 bid
HvdZon 144
Kieppi (Exchange Puzzle IPP 25)
puzzle is a exchange puzzle by Mikko Kiviharju for the International Puzzle Party
25 held in Helsinki, Finland 2005.
Objective / Description:
Separate the string with the wooden
rings from the wire.About the puzzle:
The word “kieppi” is Finnish meaning a
coil or a tangled loop. It also contains the word IPP, if you read it backwards
(Finnish is a very IPP-friendly language).
I was trying to make a version of the
“Figure Eight” by Stewart Coffin, which ...
USD 15.00
1 bid
HvdZon 144
Monocle² (Exchange Puzzle IPP 25)
puzzle is a exchange puzzle by William Strijbos for the International Puzzle Party
25 held in Helsinki, Finland 2005Objective / Description:
Try to remove the two rings without
cutting the rope.
Packaging: Zip lock bagPreliminary estimate of shipping
costs from the Netherlands.
from 0 - 10 kg approx $ 12.00
Europe 1: from
0 - 2 kg approx $ 21.00 to Belgium, Denmark (excl. Faroe Islands and
Greenland), Germany, France, (incl. Cor...
USD 23.00
4 bids
HvdZon 144
Perplexing Wire (Exchange Puzzle IPP 25)
“Perplexing Wire”This
puzzle is a exchange puzzle by Jan de Ruiter for the International Puzzle Party
25 held in Helsinki, Finland 2005
Objective / Description:
Remove the small ring from the puzzle
and put it back on.About the puzzle:
This puzzle is a variation of the
familiar ball and chain puzzle. Needless to say, the solution is different.Besides this puzzle, Markus Götz has
designed many more intrigueing puzzles.
Have a look at his web site:
USD 15.00
1 bid
HvdZon 144
Keys to the Kingdom (Exchange Puzzle IPP 34)
“Keys to the Kingdom”
This puzzle is a exchange puzzle by Dick Hess for the International
Puzzle Party 34 held in London, UK 2014
Objective / Description
Remove the keys from the
upper section and replace on lower section.
Packaging: Cardboard boxPreliminary estimate of shipping
costs from the Netherlands.
from 0 - 10 kg approx $ 12.00
Europe 1: from
0 - 2 kg approx $ 21.00 to Belgium, Denmark (excl. Faroe Islands and
USD 37.00
7 bids
HvdZon 144
Twisted's Sister (Exchange Puzzle IPP 24)
“Twisted’s Sister”
puzzle is a exchange puzzle by Brian Young for the International Puzzle Party 24
held in Tokyo, Japan 2004
Objective / Description
puzzle is to separate the two nails and re-assemble the same way.
Puzzle History
concept was found by accident during the manufacture of Mr. Puzzle Australia’s
TWISTED puzzle (aka The Glass Nails). I have known about the puzzle a number of
years but only in the last year have I worked ...
USD 75.00
9 bids