
Welcome to the Cubicdissection Marketplace! We are an event-driven auction that occurs four times per year as a framework to connect buyers and sellers of collectible mechanical puzzles.

Use of this site in any way constitutes your agreement to the site Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. All users are required to read and understand both documents prior to engaging further with the site content and services.

All participants are required to read and understand site documentation. Cubicdissection staff will not respond to questions that are answered in the site documentation. Buyers must read and understand the buying instructions; Sellers must read and understand the selling instructions.

Cubicdissection does not mediate or otherwise guarantee transactions between users. Use of this site constitutes your agreement to proactively communicate and resolve any issues between yourself and any other respective party, to include pre and post-event questions, request for more detail in listings, complaints as to photographs or descriptions, and any other issues which may arise.


The Marketplace is a highly trusted environment. Identity obfuscation by use of VPN, multiple aliases, reshipping accounts etc. is prohibited. Membership is a privilege that may be granted or revoked at our sole discretion at any time for any or no reason.

Users are required to participate under their true identity at all times. These measures are in place to prevent fraudulent accounts from being created and maintain a safe environment for all participants.

New users must verify their identity to our satisfaction. Verification requirements include successful processing of a token PayPal transaction using a verified account that shares the same mailing address as declared in the user's Marketplace account. Other requirements may be necessary, up to and including photographic evidence of the user and their state-issued identification. 

New bidders must fill out the registration in its entirety to be considered for membership. Once submitted, it is important to confirm your email address by clicking the verification link in the email that is sent. If you can not find the email, check your spam folder and create an exception allowing future emails from the Marketplace; this is important to receive bid, outbid, and successful win notifications.

Please note that the Marketplace is hosted on a different platform than the main Cubicdissection site. You will therefore have a separate Username and Password for each site.

Once registered, please navigate to the Buying Instructions page and read it in its entirety. It is very important that participants understand the responsibilities and commitments incurred by placing a bid.


The ability to sell items is restricted to known, active members of the international puzzle community and members of the IPP. If you do not qualify as a listing member, you may become one by having references from several current members. 

New accounts are by default restricted to bidding only. To request selling privileges, please log in to the Members Area and click the "Request Selling Privileges" button. You will be contacted by a Marketplace administrator should we require additional information to approve your request. Please be aware that applications for selling privileges may require additional identity verification. 

Once approved you will see a "Sell" link on the header navigational bar. Before listing an item is it VITAL that you understand the selling options and configure your account. Please navigate to the Selling Instructions page and read it entirely before listing any items.