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Soma In Case by Hajime Katsumoto
Soma in Case is another offering from design genius Hajime Katsumoto. The seven soma pieces must be packed into a 5x3x2 space. Not too tough, except that the lid also has...
CubicdissectionExtras (534 )
15 bids Closed
Spacemine by Yavuz Demirhan
This is definitely not a super difficult puzzle, but that doesn't mean it's not a lot of fun! Sometimes messing about with something fairly simple can be a lot of fun. Sp...
CubicdissectionExtras (534 )
37 bids Closed
Pair Dance by Osanori Yamamoto
Pair Dance is a fun little distraction with a level 14 solution. It's not nearly as difficult as that may sound since there are only two pieces. Approachable and interest...
CubicdissectionExtras (534 )
15 bids Closed
PenTIC by Andrew Crowell
Five is the magic number! This "Turning Interlocking Cube" has a level five solution, with five rotations and five different wood types. Designed by Andrew Crow...
CubicdissectionExtras (534 )
21 bids Closed
Basket Burr by Yavuz Demirhan
Basket Burr is similar to Sextbord in that it uses burr pieces captured in a frame. However, Basket Burr goes the other direction in difficulty, with a much simpler level...
CubicdissectionExtras (534 )
26 bids Closed
Jerrican by Stéphane Chomine
I very much enjoy tricky puzzles with few pieces. Odd One Out was one such puzzle, and when I found Jerrican I knew I wanted to make it. It's an amazing design; two fairl...
CubicdissectionExtras (534 )
32 bids Closed
Slot Machine by Andrey Ustjuzhanin
Slot Machine is a fantastic puzzle, and a ton of fun to solve! Just two pieces dance around each other in the hard can it be to put them in? Eighteen moves is ...
CubicdissectionExtras (534 )
22 bids Closed
Prison Burr by Stéphane Chomine unique woods
Prison Burr is for those crazy puzzlers who can't resist a challenge. With a level solution, even taking the first piece know, the 2 move piece......
CubicdissectionExtras (534 )
27 bids Closed
Burr with Rings by Hajime Katsumoto
Burr with Ring is a clever assembly from award winning designer Hajime Katsumoto. It's a standard six piece burr with the addition of six rings, each fixed to the end of ...
CubicdissectionExtras (534 )
29 bids Closed
Board Burr Rack by Brendan Perez
The second puzzle in this update by Perez, Board Burr Rack looks quite simple. Simply slide four burrs into the rack spaces created by the frame. Easy, right? Unfortunate...
CubicdissectionExtras (534 )
16 bids Closed
Cube Sixteen by Stewart Coffin
Cube Sixteen is one of Coffin's more obscure designs but is nonetheless a delightful puzzle. Five unique pieces serially interlock with one possible solution. It's much m...
CubicdissectionExtras (534 )
33 bids Closed
Odd One Out by Tim Alkema
This one! The solution is not super difficult, but it's a lot of fun and a very satisfying quick little distraction.The construction of this puzzle is very very nice; I'm...
CubicdissectionExtras (534 )
21 bids Closed
Quattro Cube by Peter Gal
Peter sent me this remarkable design and I immediately knew I wanted to realize it. The five piece cube has some remarkable qualities. Each piece is different and none sh...
CubicdissectionExtras (534 )
44 bids Closed
Clamped Cube by Emil Askerli
I'm a sucker for imaginative burrs, and Clamped Cubes qualifies. This normal-ish six piece burr wraps symmetrically around two cubes, containing them in a complicated emb...
CubicdissectionExtras (534 )
15 bids Closed
Triple T by Guy Brette
Guy Brette has come up with some interesting burr variations lately, and I found the "Triple V" and "Triple T" made a nice pair. The Triple T has a tr...
CubicdissectionExtras (534 )
12 bids Closed
Cold Fusion by Logan Kleinwaks
If you liked solving two six piece burrs at the same time, how about four! With a very difficult level 18.6.8 solution, Cold Fusion steps it up a notch from the already d...
CubicdissectionExtras (534 )
20 bids Closed
Loopy Burr by Junichi Yananose
The Loopy Burr came from the genius brain of Junichi; a very unusual six piece interlocking puzzle with pieces that form three intermingled loops once in the proper posit...
CubicdissectionExtras (534 )
13 bids Closed
Ring Lock by William Hu
William brought two fresh ideas to the table for this update...the Two Wheeled Cube and this one, the "Ring Lock". The goal is to make a 5x5x3 assembly. While t...
CubicdissectionExtras (534 )
13 bids Closed
Rift by Tim Alkema
Rift is such a simple design it's elegant. Three burr pieces and a two piece cage that dances around the assembly. The moves are so unconventional that the level 8 soluti...
CubicdissectionExtras (534 )
22 bids Closed
Babel by Alfons Eyckmans
Similar to the earlier Packira, Babel ups the ante from Packira's level 9.4.10 solution to an insane level 33.10 solution. Unique, natch. The four burr pieces dance aroun...
CubicdissectionExtras (534 )
16 bids Closed