HvdZon 143
“Bollixed Briefcase Puzzle”
puzzle is a exchange puzzle by Norman Sandfield for the International Puzzle Party
25 held in Helsinki, Finland 2005
Objective / Description:
To unlock and open, and to reset and
re-lock the briefcase.
One lock on the outside of the suitcase
is broken. See pictures.
But on the inside everything works
correctly.Apart from the broken lock, the puzzle is completely correct and looks fantastic.
Packaging: Cardboard box and Zip lock bagPreliminary...
USD 160.00
15 bids
gergo 203
String box Part II (TU-16) by Fumio Tsuburai
String box Part II (TU-16)by Fumio Tsuburai
USD 130.00
13 bids
JimmyG 14
Channel 13 by Doogaloo
Awesome TV themed box beautifully made by Doogaloo games. Solved once and fully reset. Boxes and Booze review:https://www.boxesandbooze.com/boxesandbooze/doog-menzies-channel-13-puzzle-boxContact me before payment to arrange shipping. ***I am away until Wednesday February 26th so won’t be able to ship until then***Shipping will be calculated after the auction.
USD 530.00
4 bids
Dedwood 15
The Door Of Prophecy
Inspired by Native American culture and designed by Kelly Snache. Kelly's wonderful woodworking in on display in this never solved puzzle.
USD 2,070.00
15 bids
zd 21
Aha Box by Allan Boardman (2021 Edition)
This is one of the "Aha Box" by Allan Boardman, made by Eric Fuller in 2021. Limited edition of 89. Signed and numbered.This design was Allan Boardman's IPP exchange puzzle in 2004. Alan describes it as "Designed to lure your non-puzzler friends into "our" world." Seemingly solid and impenetrable, Aha Box gives very few clues upon handling. A solution does exist, and it's quite tricky to discover. Sturdy, pocket-sized, and with a surprising amount of useful space inside, Aha Box is a great puz...
USD 75.00
3 bids
gergo 203
Kusha-Box (SS-16) by Shou Sugimoto
Kusha-Box (SS-16)by Shou Sugimoto
USD 100.00
1 bid
ColinLGParks 13
BUNDLE of all current Inscape Puzzle Boxes
ESCAPE ROOM STYLE PUZZLE BOXES FROM INSCAPEAll of these puzzles SHOULD cost 265.00 euro from Inscape, but I'm offering them all at once for a huge bundle savings!~The puzzles are as follows:~'Da Vinci's Marvel'Here's the original product page: https://inscape-box.com/en/products/da-vinci-s-marvel-puzzle-boxA perfectly pleasant Escape-Room-Style puzzle box, in the vein of IDventure or EscWelt.Inscape's packaging is much more robust, refined and secure (thanks to foam protectors) than the other c...
USD 180.00
6 bids
tomburns 50
KCG - Rattlesnake
2023 KCG Christmas gift from Shou Sugimoto. I accept PayPal and Zelle. Buyer can expect to pay approximately $15
shipping domestic within the US and approximately $35 internationally, to be calculated after auction closes.
Happy to combine shipping on multiple items.
USD 145.00
10 bids
tomburns 50
KCG - Clumsy Santa
2023 KCG Christmas gift from Yasuaki Kikuchi. I accept PayPal and Zelle. Buyer can expect to pay approximately $15
shipping domestic within the US and approximately $35 internationally, to be calculated after auction closes.
Happy to combine shipping on multiple items.
USD 235.00
14 bids
jozaeh 3
Karakuri - Jigsaw Cube 2 Arrow SEALED - Kawashima (KW-33-6)
(Note: My description of the solving below is because I have an unsealed copy. I really wanted this puzzle, so I went in twice for the Karakuri Lottery in 2023, and won both times! Hence why I am finally selling my second sealed
copy). So my description below is from solving my opened copy:I cannot tell you how incredible this puzzle is!Kawashima is known for his mechanical precision in his builds, and Jigsaw Cube 2 showcases this so highly. Kawashima shaped each arrow on the table saw and the...
USD 330.00
16 bids
Joshualc9 100
AL Bus
AL Bus by Jordi Gallen.Awarded Top 10 Vote Getters from IPP40 Puzzle Competition. I bought this during the original release. It’s been stored away since I first solved it. I wrapped up the paper scroll in plastic and kept it rolled up.MSRP was like 225$(Side note, I have been 3-D printing puzzles for 7 years. And I have way too many. Mostly burr puzzles. Interlocking puzzles. And Packing puzzles. 2D&3D. So If you want some, just let me know. I would like to give away as many as I can. Just ...
USD 171.00
9 bids
Mijkel1969 94
Loopy Box by Jean Claude Constantin, IPP35 (Ottawa, 2015) Exchange Puzzle
Loopy Box was designed and made by the
prolific puzzle manufacturer Jean Claude Constantin, and used by
perennial Edward Hordern Puzzle Exchange participant Allard Walker as
his exchange puzzle at IPP35, held in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada in 2015.
The object of the puzzle is to open the box, and then solve the metal
disentanglement puzzle found inside. Loopy Box
measures 4 1/4 in x 4 1/4 in x 2 3/4 in (11 cm x 11 cm x 11 cm). My
copy of Loopy Box is in ...
USD 28.00
1 bid
Pharmarunner 16
Ages Brian Young
I’m pretty sure this could be classified as a sequential discovery puzzle. It’s very well made and a lot of fun to take apart.
USD 1,050.00
10 bids
Joshualc9 100
Box of the Celts
Box of the Celts by NumbskullPuzzles. I’ve had the Puzzle for a couple years now, and I solved it once and then kept it stored away. Msrp was 320$(Side note, I have been 3-D printing puzzles for 7 years. And I have way too many. Mostly burr puzzles. Interlocking puzzles. And Packing puzzles. 2D&3D. So If you want some, just let me know. I would like to give away as many as I can. Just let me know what kind of puzzles you’re into, and we’ll pick some cool stuff out.)Here is what the desig...
USD 201.00
7 bids
gergo 203
6co Stitch (KW-51) by Hideaki Kawashima
6co Stitch (KW-51)by Hideaki Kawashimaproduction year: 2024condition: as new, with original box and papersproduct page: https://karakuri.gr.jp/en/products/kw-51/
USD 320.00
6 bids
Dedwood 15
EDOG 2.0
EDOG 2.0 by Kelly Snache. A fun puzzle and beautiful woodworking as usual by Kelly. Solved once and reset.
USD 1,350.00
5 bids
gergo 203
Karakuri Door (SE-1)
Karakuri Door (SE-1)by Karakuri Creation Groupcondition: as new, excellent qualityproduction year: 2014item page: https://karakuri.gr.jp/en/products/se-1/info: A rare vintage puzzle box, crafted to replicate the design and mechanism of the Hakone Museum door
USD 365.00
7 bids
Pharmarunner 16
Strugg L by Juno
Very fun puzzle by Juno. Great buttery feel to the movements and not overly difficult. Non puzzlers will also enjoy this solve
USD 265.00
9 bids
gergo 203
Dinosaur (CO-14-1) by Tayori Kira, Yoh Kakuda
Dinosaur (CO-14-1)by Tayori Kira, Yoh Kakudaproduction year: 2022condition: as new, with original box and papersproduct page: https://karakuri.gr.jp/en/products/co-14-1
USD 600.00
1 bid
jozaeh 3
Karakuri - Link Type Box (Shortcut) - Iwahara (RF-52)
I bought this puzzle box direct from the Hakone Karakuri Museum in 2023 when I visited Japan. It's such a lovely puzzle box using Iwahara's great panel shifting style solution. It was released in 2017 and I bought it new. So it's not readily availablevia Karakauri themselves.This one doesn't work the same way that you may think like the other KCG sliding panel boxes (eg: Secret Boxes). It's movement has great surprises in store, and there is also an alternate solution to this puzzle box.The qual...
USD 155.00
20 bids